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👉Meet #IvanTheTerrible II, #Trump's #SecretaryOfRetribution👈 #USpol

#Trump's #SecretaryOfRetribution


via #RawStory1):

"Trump’s ‘secretary of retribution’ has a ‘target list’ of 350 people he wants arrested"

No, this is not a joke. And it is to be expected. As many people already are familiar with how #Hitler suppressed the opposition 2), I'd like to focus on #Soviet #Russia first. That same time period of the 1930's provides insights into a potential 2nd term for...


No PW:

in reply to HistoPol (#HP)

Though the idea that someone aligned with Trump and the GOP would think of planning and executing (pun not intended) something this horrible and violent is repugnant, it no longer shocks me.

And that is depressing is deeply distressing.

in reply to Snowshadow

#Trump's #SecretaryOfRetribution

Me, too.
Did you see Ivan's bio (2nd link?) --He's also extremely competent.

IMO, both TFG and Ivan are Dark Tetrads 1) They relish making others suffer who oppose them.

If TFG remains power, he will carry out his repeated threats. With Ivan's professionalbackgroundand preparations, this will be done highly effectively.


No PW:

#DarkTetrad #DarkTriad

in reply to HistoPol (#HP)

Tnx for dropping the PW - a very informative read. Never heard of Dark or Light Triads before. You have educated and enlightened me. Tnx for that too.
in reply to Leo


You are very welcome.

I had not known the term until The Atlantic article last year.

When you search for "Dark Triad" and "narcissist," you will find several publications.

If really 7% of the population (1 in14) belong to this kind of irredeemably #ToxicPeople, we'd all better learn how to deal with them.

A business contact of mine who deals with their victims professionally, says that they cannot be "cured." It's either avoidance or detailed counter strategies.

