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#GeoPol #Russia #Bots #ElectionInterference #Elections2024

I think anyone interested in politics should read this detailed article about #Russian election interference and support of separatists in Western countries.

The article is about #TEXIT but it illustrates very well how #Russia(n #TrollFarms) operate and the scope of their threat to democracy.

Via #MichaelKarlis of the #SanAntonioCurrent

"*To Texas With Love: What Russia's*...

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#GeoPol #Russia #Bots #ElectionInterference #Elections2024 #Texas #USpol

... of #TEXIT tells us about the frayed nature of U.S. politics"

"The Dialogue of Nations 👉conferences attended by TNM officials were billed as safe spaces where separatist groups from around the world👈 — Irish republican party #SinnFéin and the #Catalonian Independence Party among them — could speak about their movements and learn from colleagues abroad.

The 👉conferences were funded...

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#GeoPol #Russia #Bots #ElectionInterference #Elections2024
(3/3) a state grant from #Russia's National Charity Fund, founded in 1999 by Russian Prime Minister #VladimirPutin and fueled by donations from state-owned public companies and oligarchs👈, British-based newspaper #TheGuardian [@TheGuardian] reports.


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