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right as i finished my Cerro Maravilla posts, i see this by @AnarchoNinaWrites

immediately thought what do South African Elon Musk, South African David Sacks and American Bill Ackman have in common?


a misnomer, really. these 3 "billionaires" are made men by the investments of the only trillionaire on the planet: Saudi Arabia's MOHAMED BIN SALMAN.

here's is a short thread articles that should bring clarity to Biden's handling of #StudentSpring


in reply to yes, it's me, liza πŸ‡΅πŸ‡· πŸ¦› 🦦

Β«Flitting between the kind of imagery that evokes a dystopian Death Star evil empire, the apartheid architecture of [...] Neom carries a dizzying dash of techno-optimism.

Despite claiming to be a solution to environmental crises, it assumes the endless free energy of the Saudi oil glut and disregards the consequences.Β»

Saudi Arabia’s Neom is dystopia portrayed as Utopia


#2024Elections #Gaza #Trump #Biden

in reply to yes, it's me, liza πŸ‡΅πŸ‡· πŸ¦› 🦦

Β«The pullback on The Line comes as the kingdom’s sovereign wealth fund has yet to approve Neom’s budget for 2024 [...] It shows that the financial realities of the trillions of dollars of investment are starting to cause concern at the highest levels of the Saudi government as it tries to fulfill its ambitious Vision 2030 program...Β»

Saudis Scale Back Ambition for $1.5 Trillion Desert Project Neom - Bloomberg


#2024Elections #Gaza #Trump #Biden

in reply to yes, it's me, liza πŸ‡΅πŸ‡· πŸ¦› 🦦

Washington Times is a neofascist rag; but it's important to read the rationalizations DC think tanks are paid to come up with, by the oligarchy, to manufacture consent. those rationalizations are worked out in marginal blogs and publications like The Washington Times first before being spread, like a virus, across corporate media.


Make Saudi Arabia great again - Washington Times


#2024Elections #Gaza #Trump #Biden

in reply to yes, it's me, liza πŸ‡΅πŸ‡· πŸ¦› 🦦

Bill Ackman is the anti-DEI guy that got the president of Harvard canned.

if the November elections aren't about #Gaza for the American oligarchy, whose valuations were signed, sealed and delivered by Saudi "investors", i don't know what else to tell you


Bill Ackman Has a Plan for 'New Gaza' - Jewish Business News


#2024Elections #Gaza #Trump #Biden

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in reply to yes, it's me, liza πŸ‡΅πŸ‡· πŸ¦› 🦦

Β«Vance and billionaire investor, David Sacks, organized a recent Silicon Valley fundraiser for Trump. The event, at Sacks’s home in San Francisco, raised a reported $12 million for Trump’s campaign.

Several leading AI innovators attended that event which impressed Trump enormously.

It was noted that Sacks spoke at the Republican National Convention Monday night.Β»

Why did Trump Pick Vance | Barry Shaw | The Blogs


#2024Elections #Gaza #Trump #Biden

in reply to yes, it's me, liza πŸ‡΅πŸ‡· πŸ¦› 🦦

Β«"With Trump and Vance in the White House, the Israeli right would have full U.S. support for their wildest fantasies – a judicial coup, West Bank annexation, settlements in Gaza and military confrontations with both Hezbollah and Iran.Β»

In First Remarks as Trump's VP Pick, J.D. Vance Urges Israel to Finish Gaza War 'As Quick as Possible' - Israel News -


#2024Elections #Gaza #Trump #Biden
