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Giving @Flipboard another spin, since it’s a big supporter of the #Fediverse. It’s also a survivor…I remember covering it on ReadWriteWeb when it launched (or maybe that was a post by @jon?). Either way, here’s my #InternetHistory mag, if you’re a Flipboard user:
This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Richard MacManus

And yes, I will flip other authors! There’s a Zeldman post in there currently, and more web heroes to come…
in reply to Richard MacManus

I have to add, when the iPad came out in 2010, Flipboard was one of my most-used apps. I no longer use a tablet, mainly because my 6-year old son took it over and it’s now his. So some of those iPad apps I used to use fell out of favour. But swings and roundabouts, being a fediverse app has brought it back onto my screens.
This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Richard MacManus

Exciting to hear that Richard! I love your writing and your curation. Your recent article about identity on the fediverse was also fantastic.