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Will be working on the Pixelfed app refactor after work!

The new app is much faster, leaner and open source!

#pixelfed #pixelfedApp #pixeldev

in reply to dansup

In what ways does PF differ from Masto, server-side I mean. A photo centric UI is easy to understand, but are there things that *work* differently?
in reply to Tim Bray

Mastodon restrictions:
Issue 1: You can only upload max 4 photos per post.
Issue 2: You can only see max 4 photos per post EVEN if that post have more than 4 attached. It throws everything else to a black hole without informing its users that they are missing something.

For Issue 2, all other #fediverse software will display the images attached. They won't shoot content into a blackhole.

For Issue 1, different fediverse software have different limitations, but definitely not max of 4 per post.

So, personally, if you want to use the fediverse for images, art, photography, your best option is Pixelfed; or any other fediverse software for that matter as long as it is not Mastodon.



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