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in reply to Heidi Li Feldman

Heidi, I did some years of CI consulting, and #logo creation.

If you are not going for some dangerous form of Guerilla marketing, this is a bad idea.

Not, b/c it is not well done graphically.

A logo has to be distinctive from the ones of competitors, among other things.

Let following juxtaposition speak for itself:

Synopsis of the draft Mastodon for Harris and older GQP logos


Blue is also difficult.

in reply to Heidi Li Feldman

#LogoDesign for @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews

Used to, but lost contact IRL and, since the takeover, on the #DeadBirdSite.

I know there are quite some #artists amd @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews s here in the #Fediverse.

I guess it is a question of giving such a request the necessary reach through boosting.

I'm confident that the 2 posts are enough to start a discussion with a designer.

in reply to HistoPol (#HP) 🥥 🌴

Really needs a graphic designer, the ones submitted so far are...well I don't have a way to make it sound like they're ok. They're just not very good and you can tell it's just people puttering with software.
This entry was edited (4 weeks ago)
in reply to HistoPol (#HP) 🥥 🌴


The GQP has been identified with the African elephant for ages.

In my opinion:

This ancestor needs to look distinctly (brown not grey).

The GQP and TFG have all but usurped the Stars and Stripes. A powerful message.

The Mastodon needs to look ferocious and (more) powerful, sort of like the one in the 1st pic.

OFC blue is THE Dem color.
We should revitalize the #BlueWave / #BlueTsunami.

It is graphically challenging to integrate.

in reply to GFJacobs Is Still Masking


You cut right to the chase.

Balancing these two strong images is difficult.
I can easily see a cute infant Mastodon surfing a wave on a surfboard. But this campaign must exude strength and a #YesWeCan spirit. It mustn't look cute.
It must look threatening to TFG.

@heidilifeldman @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews

in reply to HistoPol (#HP) 🥥 🌴

@HistoPol @gfjacobs Sorry, the Mastodon critter is rather charming and in fact, cute. The image can be powerful and still representational. I understand messaging and also how not to corrupt an existing logo. Take a look yourself at some Mastodon merch.