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👉🏼👉🏼👀 “Special counsel #JackSmith has outlined new details of #Trump and his allies' sweeping and "increasingly desperate" efforts to overturn his 2020 election loss, in a blockbuster court filing aimed at defending Smith's prosecution of Trump following the Supreme Court's July immunity ruling.

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in reply to Laffy

2/ “Trump intentionally lied to the public, state election officials, and his own vice president in an effort to cling to power after losing the election, while privately describing some of the claims of election fraud as "crazy," prosecutors alleged in the 165-page filing.”
in reply to Laffy

3/ Via Phang:


Judge Chutkan in Trump’s DC election interference case allows for Special Counsel Jack Smith to publicly file his redacted Motion for Immunity Determinations.

in reply to Laffy

4/ Via Kyle Cheney:

1) A Trump campaign employee and alleged coconspirator sought to foment chaos at the TCF ballot processing center in Detroit.

2) Trump sidelined his campaign legal team on Nov. 13, putting Rudy #Giuliani (CC1) in charge because he was willing to lie about the election results.

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in reply to Laffy

5/ Cheney contd.

3) Smith says he plans to prove at trial that Trump and his allies made up claims about noncitizen voters out of whole cloth.

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in reply to Laffy

11/ A U.S. senator (P27) helped facilitate a Dec. 8 call between Trump and Georgia AG Chris Carr.
in reply to Laffy

12/ Klasfeld:

In the days after Trump's defeat in November, Mike Pence gently nudged him to understand he lost, according to remarkable bullet points in Jack Smith's just-released immunity brief.

He "encouraged" Trump "not to look at the election 'as a loss — just an intermission."

in reply to Laffy

13/ IS EVERYONE ELSE AS HAPPY AS I AM ABOUT THIS TIMING? Especially after #JDVance’s election denial at the #debate. #OctoberSurprise
in reply to Laffy

Just ELATED!!! His goose is COOKED!!!


#JackSmith 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

in reply to Laffy

14/ Cheney:
Trump clearly addressed Carr as a political candidate, per Smith's filing, saying "we're running out of time," talked about the Georgia runoffs and electing Loeffler/Perdue. He told Carr not to lobby other AGs against signing onto a Supreme Court amicus brief.
in reply to Laffy

15/ The special counsel's office:

"Working with a team of private co-conspirators, the defendant acted as a candidate when he pursued multiple criminal means to disrupt, through fraud and deceit, the government function by which votes are collected and counted — a function in which the defendant, as President, 👉🏼👉🏼had no official role."👈🏼👈🏼

in reply to Laffy

18/ Trump asked RNC chairwoan Ronna McDaniel to meet with Michigan GOP leaders but she said she coudln't because it could be considered lobbying.

Trump dialed her in anyway.

Rudy tried to text a Michigan GOP leader a proposed resolution declaring the election in dispute -- but he sent it to a wrong number.👈🏼

in reply to Laffy

19/ On Nov. 20, Trump muted his phone while Sidney Powell was talking and mocked her repeatedly, calling her claims "crazy" and making a Star Trek reference.
in reply to Laffy

20/ Griffin:

Jack Smith: Trump told [REDACTED] advisors before the 2020 election that he would simply declare victory before all the ballots were counted.

in reply to Laffy

21/ Klasfeld:

In the middle of Rudy Giuliani peddling lies about "more than 10,000 dead voters" to the Georgia State Senate, Mark Meadows sent out text messages confirming that the campaign's lawyer debunked the fake stat, according to the new brief.

in reply to Laffy

22/ Ronna McDANIEL told Trump she would not promote a report claiming Dominion voting machines had been manipulated in Michigan's Antrip county, in part because she had been told the report was "fucking nuts."
in reply to Laffy

23/ 👉🏼Klasfeld:

Note on attrib of a quote making the rounds in Smith's brief:

The figure quoted saying “Make them riot” & “Do it!!!" is "P5."

That person is descr as "a Campaign employee, agent& co-conspirator" of Trump.

via @tristansnell:

devastating evidence of Trump directly leading the January 6 insurrection and attack on the Capitol

👉🏼Trump was warned there would be violence and replying: “Make them riot. Do it.”👈🏼

Jack Smith is now bringing the hammer down on Trump

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in reply to Laffy

24/ Griffin:

Jack Smith reinforces the 'private' acts:

"As President, the defendant had no official responsibilities related to the states' administration of the election or the appointment of their electors, and instead contacted state officials in his capacity as a candidate. Tellingly, the defendant contacted only state officials who were in his political party and were his political supporters, and only in states he had lost."

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in reply to Laffy

25/ TO REPEAT (via Griffin):

Smith: A Trump "campaign employee," when presented w information at a Detroit tabulation facility that a final batch from would heavily favor Biden, said, "find a reason it isn't," "give me options to file litigation."

"When the colleague suggested that there was about to be unrest reminiscent of the Brooks Brothers Riot, a violent effort to stop the vote count in Florida after the 2000 presidential election, [PERSON 5] responded, 'Make them riot' and 'Do it!!!'"

in reply to Laffy

26/ Jack Smith: After Trump's Twitter post focused the Jan. 6 mob on Mike Pence, an aide alerted him to the situation, hoping Trump would take action to ensure Pence's safety.

Instead, Trump looked at the aide and said only, "So what?" according to grand jury testimony newly disclosed.

in reply to Laffy

27/ Jack Smith: One of Trump's lawyers gave him an "honest assessment" that his election lies would not hold up in court.

Trump seemed not to care.

"The details don't matter," the brief quotes Trump as saying.

in reply to Laffy

28/ Jack Smith will argue Trump's conversations with Mike Pence should be entered into evidence.

"The Government … intends to introduce at trial evidence regarding conversations between the defendant and Pence in which they did not discuss Pence’s official responsibilities as President of the Senate and instead acted in their private capacities as running mates."

in reply to Laffy

29/ Phang:

p. 79: "Beginning at about 1:30 pm [on Jan. 6th], [Trump] settled in the dining room off of the Oval Office. He spent the afternoon there reviewing Twitter on his phone, while the dining room television played Fox News’ contemporaneous coverage of events at the Capitol."

in reply to Laffy

30/ Cheney:

Ken Chesebro (CC5) was instructed by co-conspirator 6 to only communicate by text with him and John Eastman.

Smith provides details of private texts and conversations Trump was having with alleged co-conspirators just around Christmas, all related to the pressure campaign against Mike Pence.

in reply to Laffy

31/ Via @Brandi_Buchman

During an acceptance speech @ RNC Convention in August '20, he again claimed, "the only way they can take this election away from us is if its a rigged election"

Notably, Smith does not include similar remarks Trump made from the Oval in Sept 20 (distinguish campaign from prez)

in reply to Laffy

32/ THREAT. And, premeditated:

Via Griffin:

Jack Smith: On Jan. 5, Trump told Mike #Pence he would criticize him publicly if he didn’t decertify the election.

"The defendant once again told Pence, 'I think you have the power to decertify.' When Pence was unmoved, the defendant threatened to criticize him publicly ('I'm gonna have to say you did a great disservice').

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in reply to Laffy

33/ My god, you guys, this stuff is just explosive.



And it's now public.

F you, #SCOTUS.

And thank you #JackSmith

in reply to Laffy

34/ Griffin:

Jack Smith: On Nov. 19, RNC Chief Counsel Justin Riemer emailed an RNC spokesperson about the Law v. Whitmer suit in Nevada, writing, "Just FYI that I don't believe the claims in the contest regarding dead voters, those voting from out-of-state, etc. are substantiated... To be frank, the contest has little chance of succeeding."

That email was forwarded to a Trump White House staffer just days before Trump amplified the lawsuit online.

in reply to Laffy

35/ Emptywheel:

One reason Trump wanted these identities to be more obscure is he's trying to hide that people STILL working for him knew he lost in 2020.

P2: Campaign Manager
P3: Deputy Campaign Manager
P4: Senior Campaign Advisor

One of these people is Jason Miller, for example, still lying on TV for Trump.

in reply to Laffy

36/ Cheney:

Trump spoke to Bannon on Jan5 less than 2 hrs before Bannon predicted on his War Room podcast that "all hell is going to break loose" on Jan6.

When Trump allies learned Pence's lawyer, Greg Jacob, refused to back up their plan to subvert the election, Bannon (P1) said, "Fuck his lawyer."

❗️ Trump was *alone* in Oval Office dining room when he tweeted his attack on Pence, prosecutors say, even as the Fox broadcast he had on made clear the Capitol had been breached & was locked down

in reply to Laffy

37/ Important reminder from Griffin, a point I made earlier too:

Remember: Just last night, JD Vance refused to admit Trump lost the 2020 election.

In the recent past, Vance has made it clear he would NOT have certified the 2020 election results like Pence did.

in reply to Laffy

38/ Via @Brandi_Buchman:

Again and again, Smith alleges, Trump and his cohorts made "unsupported, objectively unreasonable and ever-changing claims even after they had been publicly disproven or after advisors informed the defendant that they were untrue"

This means Trump knew his claims were false...

in reply to Laffy

39/ Via Emptywheel:

Here's the tweet where Trump IDs CC1 and CC3 (which we knew) and P10-12 as DiGenova, Toensing, and Jenna Ellis.

Donald J. Trump
@ realDonaldTrump:
Nov 14, 2020

I look forward to Mayor Giuliani spearheading the legal effort to defend OUR RIGHT to FREE and FAIR ELECTIONS! Rudy Giuliani, Joseph diGenova, Victoria Toensing, Sidney Powell, and Jenna Ellis, a truly great team, added to our other wonderful lawyers and representatives!

in reply to Laffy

40/ Cheney:

Smith lays out more details of Giuliani's effort to lobby lawmakers to continue challenging election results even as the Capitol remained locked down and police were clearing the building.