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Items tagged with: SCOTUS


“In the year and a half following the #SCOTUS Dobbs decision that revoked the federal right to an #abortion, hundreds more infants died than expected in the United States, new research shows. The vast majority of those infants had congenital anomalies, or birth defects.”

The current SCOTUS might not agree with this.
"... the selection of the nation’s leaders should not degenerate into a spending contest, with the victor being the candidate who can pay the most voters.”
#SCOTUS #Vote #Corruption #RobertsCourt

6PM in #Texas, America, the execution of an innocent man #RobertRoberson is scheduled to take place, unless Gov. #GregAbbott or #SCOTUS intervene.

A bipartisan group of #TX law makers said in a written statement:

'...we believe it would be a stain on the conscience of the State of Texas for an execution to proceed while efforts are underway to remedy deficiencies in how the law was applied to this case.'


Via Eric Columbus:

This filing (which Judge Chutkan will not grant) is a prelude to Trump seeking relief from #SCOTUS. Look for more filings today, maybe an intermediate stop at the DC Circuit (where he won’t win).

Kyle Cheney:

JUST IN: On the day #Chutkan plans to release a large cache of #JackSmith’s evidence, #Trump asks her to delay until Nov. 14 #legal

Via @Brandi_Buchman :

NEW: #JackSmith files his response to #Trump's demand that at least two of his charges be dropped in the #Jan6 case in light of #SCOTUS ruling in Fischer (obstruction statute impacting J6 rioters). It won't surprise you to learn, Smith isn't convinced.

Smith: Trump totally ignores evidence against him that alleges how he sought to create & use false evidence-fake elector certificates-as means to obstruct proceeding on J6. Fischer covers that specifically

Quick reminder: #POTUS could execute the candidate for the opposition party and we're not even allowed to investigate it according to #SCOTUS.


John Roberts surprise over the reaction to the presidential immunity ruling is because he lives in an ultra conservative bubble. #USPol #Roberts #SCOTUS #election #Trump

Anyone else who gets this scale of a bombshell revealed about them would instantly lose their job, or at least be immediately suspended and investigated. Brett Kavanaugh should lose his job over this.

The fact that the #scotus doesn’t have an enforceable code of ethics to speak of is a national embarrassment.

The thing is, there’s a lesser-known organization that’s already been working for decades to reshape America into a #Christian nation—& will keep doing so, regardless of who wins the presidential #election in November. It keeps racking up wins at #SCOTUS: It’s the #AllianceDefendingFreedom, & it may be the country’s most sinister advocacy group that people have never heard of.

#law #radicalization #extremism #NewApostolicReformation #Republicans #Evangelicals #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

“The outcome of the court’s ruling is both predictable and deeply troubling. Many U.S. cities now are moving aggressively to clear homeless encampments, often without providing sufficient shelter or support to the people they are displacing.”
#cities #urbanplanning #scotus #homelessness

Senator Whitehouse (D-RI) releases the results of a 6 year inquiry, detailing how the FBI's investigation into sexual assault allegations against then-nominee Brent Kavanaugh was "controlled by the Trump White House, to give political cover to Senate Republicans and put Justice Kavanaugh back on the political track to confirmation." #politics #USPol #SCOTUS

#SCOTUS seems poised to uphold a major #GunRegulation imposed by the #Biden admin that requires #BackgroundChecks, #SerialNumbers & sales #records for the nearly untraceable #firearms known as #GhostGuns.

A majority of the justices seemed skeptical during oral argument on Tues of the position taken by gun owners, parts makers & #2A groups: that the govt exceeded its authority in 2022 when it imposed new rules for the weapons.

#law #GunControl #guns #GunViolence

#USpol #Legal #LawFedi #SCOTUS


...5th Circuit decisions, from a ruling hamstringing the SEC and similar agencies to one legalizing bump stocks—the device that enabled a lone shooter in Las Vegas to kill 60 people and injure more than 500 in just 10 minutes—are now the law of the land..."

👉I'd say, #TheHandmaidsTale's #RepublicOfGilead appears to me less fictional by the day.👈


Read on:

#USpol #Legal #LawFedi #SCOTUS


...issued decisions greenlighting every one of these eventualities. While some were put on ice by the #SupremeCourt, others remain in effect in #Texas, #Louisiana, and #Mississippi, the three states the circuit covers.

In those states, women have no right to end pregnancies that threaten their health, the enforcement powers of dozens of federal agencies are in doubt, and protest organizers are vulnerable to legal retribution. Other...

#USpol #Legal #LawFedi #SCOTUS


"👉How Much More Radical Could the Supreme Court Become? Look to the Fifth Circuit.
Meet the power-grabbing Trump judges who are forging MAGA justice.👈

by #PemaLevy

"...This is neither the outer bounds of what this radical court will do, nor the end of its impact on all Americans. It is the beginning...

The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals—transformed by appointees of former President Donald #Trump—has...

👉🏼👉🏼”#SCOTUS announced Monday that it will let stand a state top court ruling allowing patients to sue #IVF providers for wrongfully destroying embryos.

#Alabama Supreme Court’s February decision that human life begins at fertilization and that unborn children are people for purposes of the state’s wrongful death law, regardless of viability, was greeted with jeers and cheers when it first announced. Reproductive rights advocates called it an extreme ruling”

WASHINGTON (AP) —“ #SCOTUS on Monday let stand a decision barring emergency abortions that violate the law in #Texas, which has one of the country’s strictest #abortion bans.

Without detailing their reasoning, the justices kept in place a lower court order that said hospitals cannot be required to provide pregnancy terminations that would violate Texas law”

#WompWomp !!!!!!!!!!

Via @marcelias:

🚨BREAKING: #SCOTUS Won’t Hear #Pennsylvania Republicans’ Case Invoking Fringe Theory on State Power in Federal Elections.

“… Court declined to review a lawsuit from 27 Pennsylvania Republican lawmakers seeking to revive the right-wing independent state legislature (ISL) theory, which posits the U.S. Constitution affords state legislatures exclusive authority to regulate federal elections”

A rare SCOTUS #WompWomp

#SCOTUS declined to hear an appeal from Elon #Musk’s #X Corp. claiming special counsel #JackSmith violated the First Amendment when he obtained a search warrant for former President #Trump’s Twitter messages & then barred the company from disclosing it.

Via Scott MacFarlane:

NEW: In letter to Chief Justice John Roberts, House Democrats ask about reports that Justice Sam #Alito was "replaced" as author of #SCOTUS's #Jan6 decision this summer, yet remained on case

Democrats allege decision happened days after the Alitos "repeatedly flew flags and banners supportive of the Jan. 6 insurrectionists"

Via Josh Gerstein:

JUST IN: Fulton County DA #FaniWillis files brief urging #SCOTUS to turn down former #Trump WH Chief of Staff #MarkMeadows' bid to get his 2020 election fraud prosecution in #Georgia moved to federal court.


33/ My god, you guys, this stuff is just explosive.



And it's now public.

F you, #SCOTUS.

And thank you #JackSmith

#JackSmith’s Big New #Jan6 Brief Is a Major #Indictment of #SCOTUS

It’s rare to simultaneously feel red-hot anger & wistfulness, especially when merely reading a document. But those are exactly the emotions that washed over me when I read the redacted version of #SpecialCounsel #JackSmith’s brief reciting in detail the #evidence against #Trump for attempting to subvert the #2020election.

#criminal #law #insurrection #democracy #HarrisWalz2024

Proceedings set to resume in #Trump's #ElectionInterference case

#SpecialCounsel #JackSmith outlined new details of Trump & his allies' sweeping & "increasingly desperate" efforts to overturn his 2020 election loss, in a blockbuster court filing aimed at defending Smith's prosecution of Trump following the #SCOTUS’ July #immunity ruling.

#law #criminal #ElectionSubversion #Jan6 #FakeElectors #conspiracy #TrumpCoup #Chutkan

Judge McBurney rocks it with SCOTUS and Georgia abortion case.

Referring to SCOTUS, “the meaning of the Constitution is no more fixed than is the composition of the majority in the highest courts of the land -- especially when formerly bedrock principles such as stare decisis appear to be on the wane.”


Colorado will pay $1.5 million to a Christian web designer who SCOTUS awarded the right to discriminate against LGBTQ people…and the best part is she didn’t even have a legit company that offered the service she said she was deprived of the right to deny. Don’t forget that part of her “story”. It was a Straw Man….or should I say Straw Karen about this ridiculous nasty hate filled white privileged faux Christian Poser?!?
#Karen #maga #christofascism #scotus

How #ElizabethPrelogar Stands Up to a Runaway #SCOTUS

“Prelogar’s tenure has been especially frenzied: In the term that recessed in July alone, by one count, she argued nearly 20% of all the cases in which the government was involved, the highest percentage for any #SolicitorGeneral in a quarter century or more. And of all the cases the court decided, her office participated in the lion’s share of them.“


#USpol #Legal #SCOTUS reform #Politics


As I have been shouting from the rooftops: ##Supreme13--#ExpandTheCourt!

It is way overdue!

#RonWyden …said the goal of the bill is to restore public confidence in a battered institution. He said he hopes to get parts of the bill passed, even if the whole package is not embraced by lawmakers.

“It’s not an atomic secret that the process for selecting justices is politicized,” #Wyden said. “You’ve got this thoroughly politicized process resulting in a #SupremeCourt that now frequently issues sweeping rulings to overturn laws & upend precedents.”

#law #SCOTUS #ethics #JudicialEthics

“We are proposing a way to restore some balance between the 3 branches of government,” Sen #RonWyden added.

The bill’s most significant measure would increase the number of justices from 9 to 15 over the course of 12 years. The staggered format over 2 or 3 administrations is aimed at diminishing the chance that one #political party would pack the courts with its nominees.

#law #SCOTUS #ethics #JudicialEthics

Link to bill, summary & full text:

Sweeping bill to overhaul #SCOTUS would add 6 justices

The legislation by Sen #RonWyden (D-OR) is one of the most ambitious efforts to date to remake the #SupremeCourt following
controversies over rulings & #ethics.

A sweeping bill introduced by a Democratic senator Wednesday would greatly increase the size of the Supreme Court, make it harder for the justices to overturn #laws, require justices to undergo #audits & remove roadblocks for high court #nominations.


#DonaldTrump wants to make criticizing #SCOTUS illegal, with jail being the punishment.

👉🏾 #Trump is escalating threats for dissenters — and now suggesting jail: analyst 🔛 @RawStory

#Missouri executes #MarcellusWilliams despite prosecutors’ objections

Marcellus Williams, who spent >2 decades on Missouri’s death row convicted of a 1998 murder that he says he did not commit, died by lethal injection Tues evening after a lengthy & complex effort to exonerate him based on #DNA testing issues.

Williams, 55, was pronounced dead at the Potosi Correctional Center in Mineral Point.

#law #SCOTUS #DeathPenalty

#Trump Says People Who Criticize #SCOTUS Justices Should Be #Jailed

Trump praised the #SupremeCourt for allowing states to ban abortion during his Pennsylvania campaign rally, & said it should be "illegal" to criticize the justices

Trump, who earlier this month threatened to #jail his political opponents, upped his #authoritarian rhetoric during a campaign rally at Indiana University of PA.

#authoritarianism #autocracy #tyranny
#law #democracy #HarrisWalz2024

It's not just #harris_walz. We need to #VoteBlueallTheWayDown Remember #MoscowMitch changed rules to suit his needs for #SCOTUS appointments. We need the #Senate the #house and the #executive if we want real change.

How #JohnRoberts Went Full #MAGA

A revealing article in The NYT details how the #ChiefJustice put his thumb on the scale for #Trump to keep him on the #ballot & out of #jail.

#law #SCOTUS

The Thomas Court lied its way to a justification for ending Roe v Wade with Alito's reach back in history to scrap "settled law". It got what it wanted and now women are dying because of it.
#SCOTUS #JohnRoberts #ClarenceThomas #SamuelAlito #AmyComeyBarrett #NeilGorsuch #BrettKavanaugh

The #SCOTUS has ruled that pols getting kickbacks isn’t bribery. See Snyder vs United States decision re: “gratuities”.

Political bribes (done before) will be replaced with gratuities (done after) and are the main reason behind the push #NoTaxOnTips.

DeSantis just handed over a pristine forest to a golf course developer
