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in reply to The Guardian | World News

#ESC #esc2024 #Eurovision #HistoMusic


via #TheGuardian:

"Netherlands’ Eurovision entry disqualified from song contest #breakingnews"

"Dutch singer and rapper Joost Klein out because of incident involving female member of the production crew"

"“Swedish police have investigated a complaint made by a female member of the production crew after an incident following his [Klein’s] performance in Thursday night’s semi final,”..."

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in reply to HistoPol (#HP)

#ESC #esc2024 #Eurovision #HistoMusic


...Eurovision’s organisers said..."

Via #Yahoo!

"On Saturday, Swedish police confirmed that a 👉man (#JoostKlein) had been reported for making "unlawful threats" at #Malmö Arena👈, after Thursday's semi-final.

"The police have taken all essential investigative measures..."

"#Swedish and #Dutch news outlets have said that the incident involved a member of the television production team."


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