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Trump said that his vision to Make America Great Again is to form a Budapest on the Potomac.

Yet most Americans don't know that since Biden's age stirs up the media's remaining audience more and angertainment is all they've seemed to find that will let them continue getting their high salaries I suppose.

I mean "Budapest on the Potomac"! You can't get much more un-American than that.

in reply to Kevin Leecaster

#EUpol #USpol #Fascism

This week, #Hungarian president #Orban took over the rotating presidency of the Council of the #EuropeanUnion for 6 months.

His motto, guess what:
"Make Europe Great Again," or "MEGA".

I think it's time to talk about #FascistInternationalism, instead of #ProletarianInternationalism:
"Fascists of all countries, unite!"