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While content is federated currently, #identity isn’t. And while that doesn’t diminish the decentralized nature of the #fediverse, having a single identity — that a user fully controls — would make it easier to sign up for multiple apps. My analysis of recent discussions here featuring @evanprodromou, @rabble, @deadsuperhero, @timbray, @osma & others.

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in reply to Richard MacManus so.... centralising identity? I dislike single points of failure; I'd prefer cross-verification of each identity in order to tie them all "together" as verified to be that user. Kinda like "rel=me" links but... yeah basically that.

What it sounds like everyone actually wants, is SSO. Which I find absolutely stupid: Lose that one login and you lose all your accounts.

in reply to nigel

@nigel this does not necessarily imply centralized identity