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Mobile companies & ISPs should block advertising.

At stake? Personal safety & national security.

They won't.

Stunning investigation shows anyone with a credit card can peer into your life.

Where do you work? Seeing a therapist? Where do you shop? Who are you dating...?

If it is this bad in 🇩🇪#Germany, the GDPR, imagine how much worse the problem is in 🇺🇸 #usa where privacy protections are a joke.

#infosec #cybersecurity #advertising

in reply to John Scott-Railton ☕

"The data comes from a U.S. data vendor who offers it for purchase on an online marketplace"

So when you install an app and grant it access to your location, then whoeve provided yourr app can ethically track your every movement and sell it because you not oly clicked "agree" but also allows app access to your location. It is different from a cell provider who might use its infrastructure to track you and sell your location without your consent. (and regulated by a telecom law).