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Help us reach $1500/month on our Patreon and we will release the Sup app - an open source, encrypted, fediverse instant messenger (like Telegram)!

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#pixelfed #supapp

rosa roja reshared this.

in reply to pixelfed

I reckon you could make that quickly if more people had access to PixelFed. You should release it so it has a much bigger user base.
in reply to pixelfed

If you plan on doing a chat system, fine, but please consider making it federated through #xmpp (#IETF standard: even if it's just a compatibility interface.
in reply to pixelfed

The last thing we need is another open source encrypted messaging app. It’d be way better to support existing ones like Signal or Session.
in reply to pixelfed

Not much, but "every dollar counts indeed. Really looking forward @supapp and @loops ! @dansup
in reply to pixelfed

To be honest, I don't need the 20th messenger, which will soon be banned or forced to break encryption in Europe anyway thanks to chat control. It would be better to have a ready-made Pixelfed app that any newcomer can simply download from FDroid. Or perhaps loops.
in reply to pixelfed

What is your unique value proposition for a new messenger? Or is it another case of standards (
in reply to pixelfed

I would like you to just focus on pixelfed app and release the stable version.
in reply to Praveen

@pravee_n We are doing that, and part of releasing the stable version is shipping features previously available like Stories and Dark Mode.