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Items tagged with: xmpp

If you plan on doing a chat system, fine, but please consider making it federated through #xmpp (#IETF standard: even if it's just a compatibility interface.

Huge thanks to @mattj and @ralphm for their time today. I'm delighted to be getting acquainted with leadership at @xmpp – there are _so_ many things we can learn from each other and collaborate on.

It's free, open, federated communications versus the forces of centralization and proprietary walled gardens!

#XMPP #Matrix #FOSS #OpenSource #Interoperability

The free communication providers would profit a lot from standardization. I will never understand why Matrix invented their own incompatible protocol instead of being compliant with the #XMPP internet standard and improving on the existing extensions. I feel like #Matrix did more damage to open IM than it helped.

2013 hat man #Prosody benutzt, 2018 #ejabberd. Wie ist das heute?

ejabberd scheint sich weiterhin schneller zu entwickeln, aber hat kein Auth-Modul fΓΌr OIDC.

Was setzen die aktiven, modernen Server ein?

Cc @daniel @debacle

#XMPP #Jabber

Switched from a web based registration form to an invite based approach for my XMPP server.

And I have to say: The registration page looks nice and provides useful suggestions for clients.

#XMPP #Prosody

TBH, I think that #deltaChat, alongside @monocles / #monoclesChat is one of the few real #E2EE #Chat & #Messaging solutions (which allow for full #SelfCustody of keys as well as being based on #OpenStandards for a #MultiVendor & #MultiProvider ecosystem) and even out-of-band verification and key exchange...

  • The main difference is that deltaChat implements #PGP/MIME on #IMAP+#SMTP, which may be easier to setup in some cases and also offer an easy pipeline to archival requirements in #business setups whilst #monocles chat uses #XMPP+#OMEMO first and supports PGP/MIME as a secondary option, making it a good option in individual setups...

Needless to say both support using @torproject / #Tor via #Orbot and thus connecting to an #OnionService or just anonymously connecting to the server one personally chooses...

  • So unless a provider explicitly bans Tor proactively, they'll work just fine.

The advantage of XMPP is that it also allows for calls, whereas I've to see how one can do Group Chats on deltaChat at all...
