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Concern over Trump saying you won't need elections in four years misses the way things are done by would-be dictators.

One of the reasons right-wingers admire Hungary's dictator Orbán is how he changed the rules so that elections still happen, but the opposition simply can't win. #uspol #USPolitics #2024election

in reply to Duncan Keefe

The big problem is, it’s not up to presidents to make that decision.

The framing of Trump’s quote misses that he doesn’t get to make that decision. In reality he’s just saying he expects to do such a good job that he doesn’t need those people to vote in 4 years, his side will win either way. Or he’s just vomiting more nonsense like he normally does.

It’s just ignorant to make this a big deal. It’s sensationalizing things, and just distracts from the issues.

in reply to volkris

@volkris Putin didn't get to make that decision either—until the Duma gave him the power. Orbán took the same path, and more quickly. Vance's, uh, "sponsor" Peter Thiel is open in his contempt for democracy and his desire for a strongman leader who can remake government and society.

Just because something isn't achievable now doesn't mean that there aren't people who are advocating for it and working on ways to make it happen.