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I'm dumbfounded and enraged.

Airfinity and Bloomberg News have produced an analysis that finds a global surge in infectious diseases since the pandemic. This is EXACTLY what we'd expect from repeated #COVID19 infections that weaken immune systems. Yet, this article cites "three main factors" and NONE OF THEM ARE COVID. In fact, one is immunity debt (without calling it that.)

What in the hell is it going to take for people to see it's the COVID!?

in reply to Augie Ray

With asbestos and leaded petrol, it took decades (in some countries over a century) for action to be taken after the first warnings. We are still not acting properly on global warming.

Guess it's hard to get political momentum behind anything with delayed effects that goes against short term vested interests 😞

Don't know if this is a flaw in human beings or our current political systems or our media's reporting, or some combination...

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to FediThing πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

@FediThing Given how many human lives were wasted with more acute emergencies, like #COVID and the wars in #Sudan and #Gaza which no one seems to care enough to stop, I think the only conclusion is that systems we are living under care far more about amassing capital than protecting human life.
in reply to Dr. Brad Rosenheim

Some people in charge seemed absolutely terrified when (briefly) people were actually willing to make great sacrifices in a concerted global effort to save lives and protect health.

It's telling that the most pro-business parts of the media tried the hardest to downplay Covid and attack masks etc. They seemed to hate collective action on principle, and are scared of what happens if people do that in other areas like global warming etc.
