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Hello @apps

I've a big whish. Please add the possibility to follow a single person from another instance (which is potentially blocked by my instance), via the timeline feature.

It's possible to follow a complete Mastodon instance with #fedilab, but it would be nice to follow only a single account (like, because following makes no sense (for me).

#threads #fediblock #featurerequest

in reply to Aljoscha Rittner (beandev)

Yeah, what your saying doesn't make any sense. Its the be equivalent of asking Outlook to let you get emails from yourmom@pornhub.cum even though you're compony IT blocks all email from pornhub on the server side.
in reply to Ji Fu


I'm sure, @apps knows what I mean. The functionality in Fedilab bypass the AP protocol and uses the API access to request the profile timeline directly (like with other instance TL access).

in reply to Aljoscha Rittner (beandev)

Yes, it's possible to use the public API to display messages.
It can be interesting when you want to follow and sometimes quote (share) messages.

That said, it's just a helper because if you add ".rss" to the end of the profile URL of an account, you can follow accounts with your RSS feed reader.


in reply to Fedilab Apps

that's pretty cool. @beandev I apologize for thinking you were dumb, but it did help me learn something