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Items tagged with: FediBlock

Content warning: FediBlock | New Kind of Ad on the Fediverse

Mir wurde eben diese transfeindliche Animation in die Kommentare gespült. Nach näherem Hinschauen würde ich empfehlen, die komplette Instanz [poster][.][place] zu #deföderieren. Nur Nazi-Incel-Schmierlappen am Start.

This transphobic animation just came to me in the comments. After taking a closer look, I would recommend #defederating the entire [poster][.][place] instance. Only Nazi incel greasers there.


We have suspended and today. After receiving a report about one of their users, we took a look at the instances and found them hosting neonazi content all the way up to reuploads of Trump staffers' videos, as well as racist, queerphobic, and antifeminist content.


Content warning: fediblock noauthority dot social: bigotry, holocaust denial

#fediblock suggestion: (at)FinchHaven(at) for constant #replyguy behavior in #Threads hashtag


"I can follow and like my THREADS account from Mastodon, but I can't figure out how to follow my Mastodon account on the Threads side"

That's because you seeing your #Threads account on Mastodon is an illusion, a mirage

Open up your Threads account using a real web browser on a laptop or desktop so you can see what's happening

Look at the address bar

The URL will look as though your Threads account is homed on Mastodon, thus: / @zuck

See the top three pinned posts on my profile for more examples

But right now Threads is behind a one-way mirror from Mastodon / the Fediverse

cc @davemark

HIGHLY recommend Fediblock for user '' as they're tagging random users and spamming porn with no CW. Receipts attached in the screenshot.

Edit: The whole instance is Freeze Peach. Toss it in the trash.

#Fediblock #Fediverse #Fedi #FediAdmin #MastoAdmin

Hello @apps

I've a big whish. Please add the possibility to follow a single person from another instance (which is potentially blocked by my instance), via the timeline feature.

It's possible to follow a complete Mastodon instance with #fedilab, but it would be nice to follow only a single account (like, because following makes no sense (for me).

#threads #fediblock #featurerequest

If the two links I provided in the original post do not meet your bar for defederation then there’s something wrong with your bar. It also tells me your instance is not a safe space for vulnerable groups. And if your instance happens to be the flagship one and you’re fine with this, it tells me you’re legitimising this behaviour on the greater network.

#fediblockmeta #fediblock #meta

It's symbolic because I've not yet opened the instance to users yet, but I've blocked and don't know any reason for not blocking threads other than interests that, for one reason or another, align with threads or meta. #Fediblock #Threads #BlockThreads

Dear @Gargron,

A fediverse server called Threads is violating’s second server rule:

“2. No racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia…
Transphobic behavior such as intentional misgendering and deadnaming is strictly prohibited.”

Can you please defederate from this server to protect the trans people on

Thank you.

PS. It’s run by these guys:

#mastodonSocial #fediblock #threads #meta #mastodon #transphobia

Content warning: Blocked servers list (Meta/FB server names included) + reasons by Sunbeam City...