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I've got the #Pixelfed app (version installed on Android. My account is on

Today (after days of usage without problems) it started to act weird:
5 seconds after opening it, the UI crashes/hides.

The app is still running in the background (at least it seems so) and I can get it back to front, but then it will again crash/hide after 5 secs. This is reproducible every time I open the app.

Is that a bug or am I the only one with that problem?

in reply to Victor von Void

nope I still get the same behavior. Crash after some seconds (though now it may be 7 seconds)
in reply to Victor von Void

I just open it, I don't touch it otherwise. But even if I do the result will be the same every time.
in reply to Victor von Void

also it doesn't matter, which store I install it from: same behavior with the F-Droid version as with the Google version.

Also it's got all rights, including running in the background indefinitely without getting axed by the system.

This entry was edited (6 days ago)