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Nice quality of life improvement added to the latest #Mastodon code: account cards on hover!

A perfect companion to the upcoming grouped notifications 😃

We need to tune the behaviour a bit, but I am already missing them when using another instance.

All of this will be in 4.3, which we plan to release soon!

#mastodev #mastoadmin

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in reply to Renaud Chaput

I could see this being useful. However, I could also see this getting in the way as you're displaying in your very image.😬

Hope it can be toggled or activated by keypress somehow.

in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

@BeAware This feature exists on many platforms in a non-obtrusive way. We will tune it to ensure it behaves correctly. There are no plans to add (yet another) setting for this right now.

BeAware :veriweed: reshared this.

in reply to Renaud Chaput

I was specifically worried about web on Desktop. Thanks for the quick reply and reassurance.🙏👍