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An unexpected consequence of #Fediverse? Maybe obvious when you think about it: all these servers are being crawled by Google, because it is not a walled garden, and while IG etc have special backroom deals to let Google index what we the unwashed masses cannot see, when you toot, it's in your public feed, and also in your local feed, and in global, so that's two back-links to the original. There's more from federated global AND still more every time someone boosts! Then add syndicated RSS…
in reply to teledyn ð“‚€

Of course, this assumes you haven't opted out of search on your profile, although I'm not sure what that means for Local, Global and re-toots being seen by Google.

The general rule of Fediverse is, so far as I know, to assume nothing is REALLY private, and I'd say the only firewall that works is surprising affordable, it's called 'scissors'.
