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⚠️ "If you think naively that the #Russians don't care as much about influencing Canadian thought, penetrating the Canadian government at all levels — I'm here to tell you they care deeply about shaping how you think, how you vote and sowing chaos and discord,"
Canadians who .. assist in Russia's .. attempts to use disinformation, criminal and covert activities.... to undermine our sovereignty and democratic processes will face the full force of Canadian law"


This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to Snowshadow

🇨🇦 Conservative Leader Pierre #Poilievre and two of his predecessors all follow Lauren Chen, who was just linked to a Russian influence operation.

#cdnpoli #canada #russia #russianpropaganda
@Snowshadow @GottaLaff cc @atRachelGilmore

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to GG

Here"s Conservative leader, Pierre #Poilievre pictured with "Kat Kanada" who’s recently been exposed as part of a Russian propaganda operation in #Canada.

Seems weird the guy who's leading the polls to be the next PM of Canada is pictured with so many controversial figures, no?

#tenetmedia #russia #cdnpoli