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Items tagged with: canada

So you know what we just did?

We just faxed our ballots from #Canada to our county election division's office in California.

We voted. We SO f'ing voted.

#HarrisWalz #Harris

Canadian Non-Census: Director's Cut

A pilot for the CBC Creator network. The series would look at statistically measurable but unaccounted for factors of being Canadian.

The shorter version is located here:

If you're Canadian and want to help stop this bill, go to this link to tell your MP:
#Canada #privacy

For good reason. Mandatory viewing. #Maddow outdid herself. #Trump

Trending in #Canada
From Russia with Lev
57.1K posts

@gemelliz I found a series of essays about Pierre Poilievre's attempts to become PM. Here's one example

Poilievre Will Stoke Just Enough Immigration Anxiety to Win

"The Conservative leader has cleverly couched his objections to current targets in concern for struggling newcomers"

#PierrePoilievre #Election #Canada #CanPoli #Politics

While we were photographing bears getting some fatty salmon, I looked behind me for no particular reason and saw a pod of four orcas travelling very close to shore. Seals that observed us all morning were gone, hiding from the orcas.

I often mention to the guests on my photo tours and photo workshops to look behind them. You never know what you'll find.

#orca #wildlife #photography #VancouverIsland #BritishColumbia #Canada #WildlifePhotography #VancouverIslandWildlife

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has expressed full support for Ukraine's use of long-range weapons to prevent Russian attacks on hospitals and schools. He emphasized that President Putin is trying to destabilize the international rules-based order, which protects all democracies and countries worldwide. Trudeau stated that Ukraine's victory is crucial, as failure would encourage other major countries to attempt to annex their neighbors.
#AureFreePress #News #Canada

Railing against corporate elites makes good politics, but it will only further divide Canadians"

"When Canadians head to the polls over the next year, they will vote in an election premised on unprecedented class-based rhetoric. At a time when precious little unites Canadians, pitting voters along socioeconomic lines for partisan gain is not only reckless, it further corrodes the public discourse. "


#News #Politics #CanPoli #Canada

“Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly said Canada has suspended 30 permits for arms sales to Israel and is taking the rare step of blocking a contract with the U.S. government to send Quebec-made ammunition to Israeli Defence Forces.“

Gift link:

#Canada #Israel #Gaza #InternationalLaw #RuleOfLaw

A photo posted by Lauren Southern on Twitter in June 2018, of Southern, a far right extremist allegedly paid by Russia to spread Russian lies intended to create unrest and distrust in election and democracy, who herself pushed the “Great Replacement Theory”, standing with Alexander Dugin, a Russian neo-fascist who is considered an influential ally of Putin. Willing useful idiot.

Via @llebrun

#MustRead #Elections #Disinformation #Russia #RightWingMedia #Canada #USA

Okay, because you so sweetly asked, here is a 🧵 with photos from Jericho Beach, in Vancouver, BC #Canada. We went there yesterday with our dog Hamilton, our twins, and their dog Timmy. See:

The weather was perfect, the day was perfect, and there were BUNNIES!

Sometimes I take quirky pix. Here's one.

Here"s Conservative leader, Pierre #Poilievre pictured with "Kat Kanada" who’s recently been exposed as part of a Russian propaganda operation in #Canada.

Seems weird the guy who's leading the polls to be the next PM of Canada is pictured with so many controversial figures, no?

#tenetmedia #russia #cdnpoli

⚠️ "If you think naively that the #Russians don't care as much about influencing Canadian thought, penetrating the Canadian government at all levels — I'm here to tell you they care deeply about shaping how you think, how you vote and sowing chaos and discord,"
Canadians who .. assist in Russia's .. attempts to use disinformation, criminal and covert activities.... to undermine our sovereignty and democratic processes will face the full force of Canadian law"


🇨🇦 Conservative Leader Pierre #Poilievre and two of his predecessors all follow Lauren Chen, who was just linked to a Russian influence operation.

#cdnpoli #canada #russia #russianpropaganda
@Snowshadow @GottaLaff cc @atRachelGilmore

“The federal Liberal party’s national campaign director is quitting, the Star has learned. Jeremy Broadhurst privately told PM Justin #Trudeau last month he is leaving, according to several Liberal sources.

The news blindsided Trudeau’s chief of staff, Katie Telford. ..Broadhurst told the prime minister he didn’t think Trudeau could win the next election and that Broadhurst should be replaced with someone who felt Trudeau could win a 4th term” #Canada

Planning a visit to New Zealand? Why you might have to pay more this year
Starting Oct. 1, just in time for spring and summer in the Southern Hemisphere, New Zealand will nearly triple a tax it levies on international visitors.
#globalnews #Canada #Consumer #World #NewZealand

#NASA study tallies carbon emissions from massive Canadian fires

They found that the Canadian fires released more #carbon in five months than Russia or Japan emitted from fossil fuels in all of 2022 (about 480 million and 291 million metric tons, respectively). While the #CarbonDioxide (#CO2) emitted from both #wildfires and #FossilFuel combustion cause extra #warming immediately, there's an important distinction, the scientists noted.
