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Alexander Stille offers a long read on Giorgia Meloni (Keir Starmer's new friend)... he asks:

'Is the real Giorgia Meloni a closet fascist or a conservative democrat? It may not matter. Meloni is, above all, a skilled & disciplined politician who has risen to power by staking out territory on the centre-right'.

For those in the centre & to the left, a competent & 'sensible' (closet far) right may be the real danger now & into the future.

#fascism #italy #politics

in reply to Emeritus Prof Christopher May

I agree. I've said before, I think the biggest advantage those of us opposed to the hard and far right have in the UK right now is that they have no plausible leader. Just clowns and frauds.

This won't last forever, sooner or later they will find an equivalent of Meloni or Le Pen, not just charismatic and plausible, but willing to do the hard work over many years.

We should look to strengthen our position before that happens.

in reply to RolloTreadway

@RolloTreadway Doesn’t the UK already have Nigel Farage? Make him leader of the Tories and he might be unstoppable.
in reply to Pedestriansfirst

@pedestrians1st No, I said someone plausible and willing to work hard.

Farage is a clown, he has no interest in anything other than money and attention. His political positions beyond immigration are not remotely popular - his main focuses other than not liking foreigners are opposing the NHS and denying climate change, both of which are extremely far from mainstream politics and likely to become more so. And he has no interest in actually working.

Farage is not going to be leader of the Tories, and if he was, the party would likely cease to exist.

in reply to Emeritus Prof Christopher May

This reading of her, IMO, is utterly false. She is a Fascist, & the leader of a Fascist Party. She's no more "centre right" than I am. She's a racist, a xenophobe, & a bigot in every way it's possible to be. The fact that some of her allies are worse than her doesn't alter that. They are all the heirs of Benito Mussolini.