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Items tagged with: politics


Michigan pollsters discovered this week that NOT A SINGLE PERSON of color they polled, would vote for Donald Trump in a Trump vs. Harris presidential matchup!

The poll included 100 people of color.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #GOP #Politics #uspolitics #uspol #Trump

One poll, they might all be fake, etc.


"Her level of support at the start of her campaign exceeds the highest level of support we gauged for Biden since tracking began in late 2022, with fewer voters now indicating they’ll vote third party." #news #politics

New episode of the Nonviolent Action Lab Podcast is up. I spoke with three independent journalists who cover U.S. protest activity in NYC, Chicago, and LA about what they do and how and why they do it despite the substantial personal risks and crappy to non-existent pay.

#podcast #politics #protest #journalism

For some reason or other, "Veep" is going viral. The Hollywood Reporter spoke to David Mandel, who took over from Armando Iannucci as showrunner in season 5, about whether politics is suddenly fun again, how much Selina Meyer hated other women, and that season 2 moment where Meyer discovers the president won't run for a second term.

#Veep #Television #Entertainment #Politics #USElection

Elon Musk has deleted this tweet of him saying Donald Trump too old to be President.

Well, Elon can delete it but he can not erase it. We've still got a screenshot.

#TrumpIsTooOldToBePresident #politics

Vice President #Harris immediately opens up a 20 point lead among young voters, an expansion of a 6 point lead by #Biden which had been narrowing.

#uspol #politics #uspolitics #election #election2024

#Biden moments away from addressing the nation on his decision to stand down from the 2024 #election.

If you think he has earned a beer for ~50 years of public service, donate $5 to help elect VP #Harris (and show #Mastodon is worth looking at)!

Or, you know, a six-pack for $30. 😇

@heidilifeldman has started this #MastodonForHarris ActBlue fundraiser and it is blowing past expectations, approaching $200,000 as we speak!

#uspol #politics #uspolitics

Our top story: Two years after the constitutional right to #abortion was eliminated, what’s left of Texans’ reproductive rights is ambiguous.

#photography #news #women #politics #USpol #Texas #RoeVWade

If you haven't already, or perhaps if you want to again, @heidilifeldman has a #MastodonForHarris #actblue campaign to raise funds for VP Harris's presidential campaign to defeat #Trump.

I think the goal was $1,000 (lol) but we're going to the moon.
🚀 🚀 🚀

Donate whatever you can, here:

#uspol #politics #uspolitics #kamala #election #election2024

Mary Trump: Kamala Harris terrifies my 'flailing' uncle to the 'point of incoherence'

"...His childish nickname for her is 'laughing Kamala' because she feels joy, and joy is something he has never experienced and doesn’t understand. Faced with the reality that he is now running against a vibrant, intelligent, experienced woman who is fully two decades younger than he is, Donald spent Sunday and Monday flailing..."

#News #Politics #Trump #Democracy #Democrats

Well now.

“What’s been reported in the media is simply not true,” Musk said. “I am not donating $45 million a month to Trump.”

Elon Musk backs down from $45 million a month pledge to Trump: ‘I don't subscribe to cult of personality’

Raw Story:
'Voters simply don't like him': Ex-GOP pollster has crushing news for J.D. Vance

Sarah Longwell, a former Republican pollster who is now working to defeat former President Donald Trump, delivered some bad news...

"I’ve done a couple swing voter groups since the Vance VP announcement and these voters simply do not like him," she said.

...voters have increasingly expressed concerns about Project 2025...

#News #Politics #Trump #Democracy #Democrats

"[U.S.] House Speaker Mike Johnson and Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries announced Tuesday the creation of a bipartisan task force to investigate the assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump, adding to the congressional panels that are looking into the shooting at his rally in Pennsylvania."

CBS News reports:

#Trump #TrumpShooting #Congress #USPolitics #Politics #Assassination #News

"A Waste of Taxpayer Money"

MAGA airhorn Republican Lauren Boebert spent her work day (paid by taxpayers) on social media demanding President Biden show himself on live video - she believes he's actually dead!

Boebert, Greene, Gaetz,... there are no explanations for that high level of MAGA stupidity!
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #GOP #Politics #uspolitics #uspol

So I'm already seeing that the Republican attack strategy on Kamala Harris is that she is a slut who has no kids. Apparently, both the sluttiness AND the childlessness disqualify her from being the big cheese. I even saw one Rep. woman who said that Harris's sexual history should be discussed.


OK. Then let's do the Orange Rapist's sexual history.

#uspol #trump #kamalaharris #politics


A small Republican political action committee that styles itself as a disaffected group of Nikki Haley supporters who are committed to keeping Donald Trump out of the White House announced their endorsement of Kamala Harris for president
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Harris #USA #Politics #uspolitics #uspol

It would be really be nice if people on TV would learn to properly pronounce the name of the next President.

I'm just saying, . . .

#politics #election2024 #harris4thewin #newsmedia

Did you know #Project2025 calls for “the entirety of the CISA #Cybersecurity Advisory Committee should be dismissed on Day One.” (page 155).

If you like being able to use computers (or do anything with organizations that use computers, including have your vote counted in elections) that’s a very bad idea.

#infosec #security #USpol #politics #political

For the past wk, we’ve tested #AI #chatbots’ on breaking #political stories & found they were largely unable to keep up w/consequential real-time #news. Most didn’t have #current info, gave incorrect answers, or declined to answer & pushed users to check news sources.

W/just months left until the election & bombshell political news dropping at a steady clip, #AIchatbots are distancing themselves from #politics & breaking news or refusing to answer at all.


Everyone who voted for Biden already voted for Harris to succeed him. This muttering about a coronation is the new “but her emails”: a fake issue that marches along to a drumbeat of media coverage and partisan messaging.

#politics #uspolitics

Color me shocked.

Nikki Haley Voters PAC Announces Support for Kamala Harris

#USpol #politics #news

“Before he entered politics, President Trump donated $6,000 to Kamala D. Harris’s reelection campaign while she was California attorney general, campaign finance records show.
Trump gave $5,000 to Harris’s campaign in September 2011 and $1,000 in February 2013. His daughter Ivanka Trump gave Harris’s campaign $2,000 in 2014, records show.”

#potus #election #politics #USpol #democracy #Harris2024

🇺🇸 Dear US Friends

Biden has dropped out but remember the rest of the world stands with you against Trump.

Vote Blue No Matter Who 🌊

#USA #Politics

very disappointed in the news today on biden. the democratic party played right into maga hands and that is pathetic! the man should have stepped down before primaries. that is fact. fear never wins anything! harris better be the nominee or this is a second coup of democracy! maga fear will be sky high if a black african american women leads the democracy charge and i am all for it! fear has no place here on earth now we have awakened! fear is a pathetic tool of the low vibrational! #Politics

Movies like The Purge (there are 5 of them from 2013 to 2021 and a TV show from 2018 to 2019), Civil War (Garland, 2024) and the TV Show The Boys (2019-present) depict the United States almost like they were real. The reality is much scarier than horror films.

#USPolitics #USA #USA2024 #America #Politics #Movies #Films #HorrorFilms #Horror

Back to the good ol’ days?

What does Trump's nostalgic campaign really mean?

Nostalgia is not merely about the past four years or even the Reagan-era 1980s – it harks back to an era before civil rights and women's rights.
#Politics #Nostalgia #SocialJustice #Trump #USElections

Some interesting video on the IDF strike in Yemen

"IDF jets target Houthi regime in strike on Hodeidah energy infrastructure
Al-Masirah published footage showing the aftermath of strikes on the refinery, which the IDF later confirmed the strike."

#MAGA #GOP #Politics #Republicans #Election2024 #Biden #Democrats #USA #Israel #Gaza #Syria #IDF #War #Iran #Palestine #Yemen #Houthi

Raw Story:
George Conway launches ‘Anti-Psychopath PAC’ focusing on Trump’s mental health

George Conway...has launched a new political action committee aimed at preventing Donald Trump from returning to the White House in 2024.

The Anti-Psychopath PAC, as it's called, will work to "highlight the existential threat Donald Trump poses to democracy and remind voters of the former president's mental unfitness for office."

#News #Politics #Trump #Democracy #Democrats

When they say, “new primary”, they mean “bypass Harris”.

“When they say, “open process”, they mean “bypass Harris”

Don’t let them gaslight you on this as they do the bidding of superwealthy donors and try to force Biden and install whatever pre-approved white (likely male) candidate the donors agreed to.