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A happy start into the pride month!

Have the "stellar" Progress Pride flag I made last year from various NASA Astronomy Pictures of the Day!

And remember:
- "Queer" is not a slur (anymore - absolutely OK if you don't want it applied to yourself, though!).
- "LGB" is a dogwhistle put in place by those who wish to divide & conquer us.
- The "A" in LGBTQIA+ is for all queer As - like aromantic, asexual, agender..., not for allies.
- "Ally" is a verb, and others use it to describe what you do - not a badge you stick on yourself.
- Not everything that looks straight is straight, and might be hella queer!
- If you think queer people and relationships are "unsuitable for children", it means you sexualize them, not that they're inherently sexual.
- Your labels, your rules - their labels, their rules.
- It's "Pride" because shame is the weapon that is used against who we are and who we love.
- Queer people are people first.
- Be excellent to each other! #PrideMonth #Pride #Queer