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Fun with the Electoral College.

If These 3 Counties Did Not Exist, Trump Would Have Beaten Biden:

Overall, Biden got 7 million more votes than Trump in 2020 (81,283,501 vs 74,223,975). The most of any President in history. [...]

If we remove just 1...

in reply to jwz

I'm sure MAGA would gladly kill everyone in those counties to have the win this time.
in reply to jwz

This is why I keep crowing about #TheStatesProject which is laser focused on these kinds of swing counties where your political contributions (money or activism) have a disproportionate impact. That and collective action through their Giving Circles program.

#uspol #2024Election

in reply to jwz

One of those is Dane County #WI, which is the #Madison area. The article says we're "by far the most populous with a population of 561,504." If Dane county didn't exist, I would not exist.
in reply to jwz

"7 million [...] The most of any President in history"

Reagan, Carter, and Math would all like to have a word...

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)