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#USC students have begun a #Gaza Solidarity encampment

*ETA, both #LAPD and USC's private police force are on the scene. One student allegedly detained.

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to Can-crisociality 🦀〰️🥫

UPDATE: #LAPD is entering campus and "clearing the area" (in riot gear). If you can, please

CALL USC ADMIN RN to tell them to hold off siccing riot police on peaceful protesters: 213-740-2111


#USC #GAza

in reply to Can-crisociality 🦀〰️🥫

The students are just an instrument of some dark hand pitching left against right. Most Israelis are against the Netanyahu offensive in Palestine. You're being played like a fiddle by the US right.
in reply to Dave Neary

@dneary Sorry, how am *I* being "played like a fiddle"? I'm amplifying a message from students on my campus. If anyone is being played like a fiddle by the US right on campuses, it's campus administrators, not students.
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to Can-crisociality 🦀〰️🥫

Not you, specifically. But this entire narrative of "pro-Palestinian American students are anti American" is a Fox News narrative enabled by reductionism - maybe a couple of people chanting "from the river to the sea" and others join in.
in reply to Dave Neary

Most Israelis disagree with, and are protesting, the Netanyahu offensive in Gaza. And most American students protesting the illegitimate destruction of Gaza are not antisemitic or anti Israel (at least that's what I believe).
in reply to Dave Neary

And, by virtue of playing into the "pro Israel or anti Israel" narrative, which benefits right-wing factions who want to paint American students as "America hating anti-semiric Woke loonies", you are playing into *their* narrative. They get to say "how sick are these folks".
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to Dave Neary

I say the students are being played like fiddles because they are acting exactly as they are expected to by the people who control the right wing narrative.
in reply to Dave Neary

@dneary What are the students supposed to do instead?

This is what's going on in these campus protests.

Congress and corporate media are distorting this, yes, but what is a better option for students than speaking out and knowing what they are doing and seeing isn't what's being represented in the news and halls of Congress?