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Hello Mastodon! We are a collective of #students and staff from #Amsterdam University College who care about #OpenStandards, #FreeSoftware, and #OpenData.

Every week, we get together to explore, study and organize our way out of the corporate lock-ins that we face at our #university and beyond.

Next to our website, this account will be our main channel to communicate with the world.

We hope that we can connect with others that share our ambitions to push for a free and open digital world.

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to Koen de Jonge - SynQ


Thank you for this service. We didn't manage to fit the website within the max word count of our instance 😁

(It is in the url overview of our account, just like our Codeberg page).

in reply to OpenTech(AUC)

one of the nice features of running your own instance is that you can increase the number of allowed characters to something a bit more than the default.

That way you can fit those URL's (and your argumentation that has nicely formed sentences instead of abbreviated ones) in your toots and your reactions.

I strongly recommend doing that. #mastoadmin