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I watched They Live - at least most of it. I got tired at the end.

It's a slow movie! When he gets the glasses he keeps putting them on and off for about 20 minutes. Then he has a fight with his friend from work for about 20 minutes.

I'm like: Just get on with it!


Also the main character should have been Keith David who is a better actor and better looking than the bland mullet muscle man they got.

I also get the feeling it inspired 90% of anti-capitalists

#movies #film

in reply to Lydia Conwell

Yeah I don't really get the appeal of this movie. That bit when he gets the glasses... ok, we get it, subliminal hidden messages, MOVE ON!!

I also think it's a very shallow anti-capitalism that attributes its flaws to a conspiracy or mind-control rather than the nature of the system itself.

in reply to Hyperlink Your Heart

@hyperlinkyourheart Yeah, it's not a clever takedown of capitalism, but a shallow conspiracy.

And advertising works in a slightly more subtle way, within a system that supports the advertising message and vice versa.

in reply to Lydia Conwell

Hadn't heard of that podcast, maybe I will check it out as well