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Is there a way to "easily" host a media hosting site?

Something like a docker package or something with very detailed instructions?

Specifically, I'm looking for something that's available via browser and has an upload interface with some sort of media viewing capabilities for photos and videos.

Bonus if it has user accounts and the entire system could connect to backblaze object storage.

I'm doubting that this is a thing. However, I've been pleasantly surprised before by Fedi.

Any ideas?

#SelfHosting #SelfHosted #Linux #AskLinux #LinuxHelp #Docker #WebHosting #IDontKnowWhatTagToPutHereKeK

in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

Figured I'd add that I'm NOT looking to host PixelFed or something resource intensive. Want it to be as lightweight as possible.
in reply to Scott Galloway

@scottgal PhotoPrism is another choice. Immich (at one point) woudl only let you add media through their web interface. But I usually copy stuff directly to folders on my NAS.

I think I heard that was recently remedied, though..

in reply to RxBrad

@RxBrad @scottgal TBH, that's what I'm looking for. Web interface. Folders are a bonus, but not required cause I'm going to hook it up to backblaze object storage so I have the option of accessing the files directly through there.

Thanks for the suggestion! 🙏

I'll be looking into all of these when I have the time.

in reply to Scott Galloway

@scottgal another vote for Immich...

I'm hosting one in docker on a raspi... still testing... speed is on the low end because of the hardware, but I still like it...

in reply to Hans Hafner

@wonshu @scottgal If you don't mind sharing, what kind of hardware is it running on?

Home server or data center? VPS or Bare metal?🤔

in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

@scottgal uhm as I wrote: I'm hosting it on a Raspi 4 with 8GB Ram and running off of an SSD with an external USB flash drive for data (which I plan on replacing very soon with a SSD USB drive)
in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

I guess you could also use NextCloud for that. It's very flexible
in reply to Mekuso

@mekuso I'd rather not, because I'd like to have the ability to allow other people to use it as well. Does NextCloud support such thing and is it accessible via browser?
in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

It does, it has plenty of collaboration features. IIRC it does require every user to sign up for some kind of account, but I don't remember the details. That said, I have no idea if it's a good fit for your needs, I just thought I'd bring it up since it's a very flexible tool that can be used in many situations where it might not be immediately obvious
in reply to propapanda :verified:

@panda That sends me to a login page for which I don't have credentials...😳

It does say "login with Google" but I try to avoid such things when possible for obvious reasons.

in reply to propapanda :verified:

@panda Thanks! Are you very familiar with the software?

The reason I ask, is cause I see "OneShot : Files are destructed after the first download" and wonder if that's just an option or if everything will be deleted after the first download, always?

If so, that's not what I was hoping for.

in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

all of these options can be toggled for each download individually.

I run it in my homelab.

(0 minutes means keep forever, default can be configured)

This entry was edited (4 days ago)
in reply to Linky~

@linkachus17 Well, in terms of functionality, no.

I'm looking for something to upload media to while I'm away from the host machine.

Functionally, it'd be like PixelFed, but doesn't need to be federated or a social media platform. It just needs to be able to upload and view media like PixelFed.

in reply to Linky~

@linkachus17 That's okay! Thanks for the response. I always appreciate conversing and sharing ideas. That's how we thrive! We can't all think of everything the same.