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in reply to Laridian (Jack's Version)

@jacklaridian opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and everyone thinks everyone else's stinks.🤷‍♂️

My opinion is, anything can be art if there is a thought process and time put into it. See: "The Art of Cooking", "The Art of Game Developing", "The Art of Professional Wrestling".

Everyone's entitled to their own opinion.

BeAware :veriweed: reshared this.

in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

There are opinions and there are facts. Your opinions are your own, but art is defined as the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination. There is no skill in prompting a generator to produce an image and to say there is is offensive to actual artists.
This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Laridian (Jack's Version)

@jacklaridian practice what you preach:

"Life is short. Celebrate what you love and ignore what you hate."

Negativity for the sake of negativity just makes you look like an asshole. Furthermore, putting that into your bio and putting out this kind of energy just means you're being fake as fuck.

You do you, but I'd try to be a better person before you start trying to tell others how they can express themselves.

I hope whatever is bothering you in your life, goes away soon, friend.🙏

BeAware :veriweed: reshared this.

in reply to stupidityshouldhurt

@thelearningtree bet this stupidity hurts real bad...

Negativity for the sake of negativity is kinda pathetic.

Grow up. Find a better learning tree to sit under cause the one you're under is teaching you to be assholes to random strangers for no reason.

BeAware :veriweed: reshared this.