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I wonder how many users with disabilities would be pushed out of Fedi if there continues to be bias against AI....

Y'all DO know you're making things shitty for disabled people when you critisize something you don't understand, right? 🤦‍♂️

Tip: learn about the technology you're critisizing and know how it works before speaking on it.

The lot of you seem to REALLY think it's supposed to be "intelligent" and that's worrisome.😳

#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #LLM #Disability #Disabled

in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

Speech-to-text is technically AI these days, dragon naturally speak, as well as open-source versions.

As well as the version used by Google, apple, Samsung, Bixby

This entry was edited (2 days ago)
in reply to Elric Wolfsbruder ✡️♿🇺🇦

@wolfsbruder Yeah. I mean moreso that folks that use AI very openly here, also have disabilities that they use AI for as well and would be caught in the mix if AI content is completely banned on Fedi.

There's been quite a lot of talks these days about some sort of AI rules. If those rules go into place, I immediately become part of Dark Fedi because it's ridiculous nonsense.🤦‍♂️

in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

I use voice control a lot, even for my typing, because of my hands. :(

gaming and DJing is a lot easier because of the controlers I use.

I don't use a standard keyboard or mouse. I use an azeron cyborg, and cyro.

and a mixing deck is easy enough, along with an Ableton push for music.

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in reply to Elric Wolfsbruder ✡️♿🇺🇦

@wolfsbruder Damn. I understand completely. I don't use any kind of physical devices like that. Mostly use AI to summarize long articles and such because of my attention span and to describe things for Alt Text. Usually all text-based things to help my brain. I have hydracephalus and ADHD.
in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

Oh wow. did they install a shunt to help drain fluid, or do you have to go in and have that done the hard way? :(

and I think you know my disabilities.

Fibromyalgia, me/cfs, ADHD, longcovid, POTS, PEM...

This entry was edited (2 days ago)
in reply to Elric Wolfsbruder ✡️♿🇺🇦

@wolfsbruder I have a shunt, but I still don't consider it the "easy" way. I've had it re-done 3 times and it's not fun. Huge surgery that takes all day and 3 weeks to recover. Thankfully I'm 32 and only had it done 3 times.

The biggest issue though, is that I don't think like most people and suffer from depression and anxiety as well, but maybe I'd suffer from those anyway.

Yeah, that's terrible, and then on top of that you have the kid that doesn't behave whatsoever.😩 Life's always gotta be the hardest for the people who are already suffering from born disabilities.