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"Humanity will only be truly happy when all people have the souls of artists, in other words, when everyone enjoys their work."

Until now, my #utopia was based on all humans becoming artists and dedicating themselves to art, while AI does the boring monotonous work for us.

However, today's AI is already busy generating images and imitating art styles. A new generation is now growing up that is getting inspiration from AI and in the future it will hardly be possible to say how much of a piece of art contains AI. Just as the new generation has forgotten how to read maps because of navigation apps, there is a danger that humanity will forget how to be creative and create new art.

#future #humanity #art #artwork #problem #technology #AI #creativity #artist

in reply to anonymiss

As long as art conveys artist's emotion it is art. Tools don't matter.

The problem with today's generated art is exactly because it lacks it. Pictures can be pretty but you don't feel the other person through them so what's the point looking at meaningless shapes?

I guess the same happened with crude Photoshop. Suddenly everyone could make collages and add effects but the result was nothing.

in reply to anonymiss

AI art is still not on the level of some human made art and music is still not conquered by AI, so there's still some hope left. People could probably always have a chance to test their natural creativity because the AI can be the same obstacle to it as any successful art made before them.
in reply to anonymiss

I think art is inherent to human being. Maybe humanity will transform in something different. Maybe future humans are like ants!
in reply to anonymiss

If it moves you who cares? And it will someday. Perhaps to an even greater extent than art created by biological humans.