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Save the date! 🚀 #Wikidata #LevelingUpDays, an online event and a collection of resources to welcome new people to Wikidata! Join us on April 5-7 and 12-14 for presentations, workshops and discussions.
in reply to Wikidata

So, how can I schedule the session on day 5 how we connect wikidata and ActivityPub?
The page is locked and I do not want to join _any_ “telegram group” :)
in reply to Sebastian Lasse

@sl007 Hello Sebastian, I'm sorry for the trouble, but we had to limit the editing possibilities to people having at least 50 edits on Wikidata to avoid spam on the main event page. If you can't edit the page, you can send me the details and I'll be happy to add the session to the program. Thanks for your understanding!
in reply to Auregann

Hello Auregann, I see the point.
Working as an investigative journalist I do not want to link “edit” and “event” account but the session should be as public as possible, so here is my session proposal :)

[* if possible day 5 “connecting to sister projects”, 20h]

Let's federate wikidata

ActivityPub and wikidata are both JSON-LD. Max Lath and others created already nice tools to consume wikidata LD.
But how can we return wikidata entities as a real friend of the world’s leading federated social web standard.
Sebastian, the co-org of the official ActivityPub Confs just did a “wikidata proxy” to make the existing LD-API as easy to consume as Activity Vocabulary in the #Fediverse
We also did an extensive ActivityPub Atlas with wikidata, wikibase, OSM and other cats.
The session would walk through the process and together we can brainstorm how to federate wikidata and present the fediverse with facts and common knowledge.

This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to Sebastian Lasse

@sl007 Thanks a lot for taking the time to prepare the description. I'm wondering if this session is a good fit for our audience (mostly people who are new to Wikidata and want to learn how to edit). The phrase "sister projects" refers to the Wikimedia projects. I feel like this proposal would be a great fit for one of our other formats, "Data Reuse Days", where we dive into how external websites and tools reuse Wikidata's data.
in reply to Auregann

in reply to Sebastian Lasse

[ the correct mime reads a bit long
application/ld+json; profile=" or application/activity+json ]


The current group note “JSON-LD Best Practices” has many wikidata examples and its advantages …
Now it is rather a question of trust if objects could be signed by wikidata directly.
This is the core problem and it would be supernice if wikidata could help w3c with that.

We have already looked carefully through each ActivityPub property and mapped it to the ld properties to make consuming in the fediverse as easy as possible.
So, when is Data Reuse days?

in reply to Sebastian Lasse

@sl007 Got it. I think this topic would be perfect for the event we're planning for the last quarter of 2024 where we're engaging with Wikidata reusers and people building tools around Wikidata and LOD. We don't have a precise date yet, but we'll announce it here on Mastodon.
in reply to Auregann

So, it seems, it might be too late then:

The wikipedia Cofounder, now Nazi and Conspiracy Theorist Larry Sanger got his federated wiki now.
He aked us for help before, we refused, another one did it probably.

Will inform Jimmy Wales now, it is very sad. Can send background private.

This entry was edited (5 months ago)