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Version 256 of systemd boasts '42% less Unix philosophy' • The Register

Now with 42% less Unix philosophy!

I wonder why someone would need to emphasize this. And what are those 42% then? Windows philosophy? Why would someone who chose Linux over Windows would want that?
#Linux #Unix #systemd #Windows

in reply to Aladár Mézga

What I am saying is that Linux is not Unix.

The main reason for this is that Linux was written from scratch instead of being forked, so it can't use that name.

Let it grow -- and make mistakes

That is dangerous, very dangerous. The UNIX philosophy says to use many little tools that have a limited functionality in which they excel, but can easily cooperate with other tools. If one of those tools goes haywire (no more maintainers, project gets hijacked, whatever), it is a pretty serious issue, but chances are a similar tool exists that can at least temporarily take its place. Or people create a fork. Or at least for a while the tool won't be used.

Systemd has occupied so much that any serious issue with it may be a death sentence for lots of Linux machines. You bought yourself that fancy 10-in-1 tool instead of 10 simple tools and suddenly you notice that a wire in the power cable must be broken: Your fancy tool is dead and you can't do anything anymore...

in reply to Aladár Mézga

#Slackware, #antiX - still systemd-free. Others, like #MX-Linux, "have" systemd "as a dependency" but don't use it (?)
in reply to Aladár Mézga

I have doubted systemd since it showed up with it's own private login.
Now why would they need that?
(...if not for nefarious things).

On Systemd:

As I understand it, now they want to do away with sudo, using systemd instead.
I wonder if systemd can do anything bad with root login privileges? (he says, knowing the answer.)

in reply to Aladár Mézga

Linux (and GNU) totally where Unix (technically, not juristically). There always where only two good reasons why Linux is not Unix:

a) Trademark (I'm a technician, not a lawyer and don't care for this)
b) strcmp("linux", "unix") != 0

I agree that SystemD, Gnome and others are more and more violating the Unix-Philosophy (modularity) as well as the "freedom-of-choice"-idea. That's why I'm not a fan of SystemD, Gnome and similar projects. However, I also feel that there is a constant stream of nonsensical, hyperboled FUD and hate speech regarding those.

Just like everywhere else, I suggest to calm down a bit.

in reply to Aladár Mézga

I agree that SystemD, Gnome and others are more and more violating the Unix-Philosophy <=> I also feel that there is a constant stream of nonsensical, hyperboled FUD and hate speech regarding those.
in reply to Aladár Mézga

valid considerate criticism <=> fear mongering

in reply to Aladár Mézga


reality <=> deny

there is a huge assault on foss. deciding that anything is fear mongering is daladier in 1938. I do not know if ibm is evil or angel. i just say that i am not comfortable that such a big piece of the system (growing and growing) is owned by ibm. That is a single fact.

And it is a single fact that it would be very complicated to get it driven by the community : to big.

and it is a single fact that it phagocytes more and more of the system. and it will be more and more complicated to get rid off. It's not wayland vs Xorg, it's sytemd vs nothing.

Of course some says that it is technically better to have a cathedral than a bazar. Yes it is more efficient to have a world government instead of 197 countries. but is it desirable ?

This is not mongering it is philosophy. and in tech world philosophy is not studied, only math. not a good choice for managing a people.

that is my single point of view/.

And i use systemd on my home and working and server machine. and when I give training courses i teach systemd but i fear what it could so.

in reply to Aladár Mézga

Last post from me to this. Be invited for having the last word.

here is a huge assault on foss

Indeed! Yes there is! But from who and why?

deciding that anything is fear mongering

I have not said that "anything" (everything) is fear mongering -- just some.

daladier in 1938

This totally marks you as a mad extremist! Did you just seriously, seriously -- HECK! SERIOUSLY? -- compare SystemD to Nazis?

As I said, I'm not a fan of the direction many Linux distros seem to head to. But I'm also not turning this into am "End-of-the-World"-theme.

Goodby, farewell and happy hacking! :-)

in reply to Aladár Mézga

you can not understand what others say because you decide before thinking about others. YOU decide that i was just doing fear mongering and ALL the criticism was just non important, secondary... let linux makes its mistakes.

YOU decide I was a mad extremist and that is yucky. I said that deciding that it was not a good conversation and exchange (ah ah) of point of view was useless because this is fear mongering was LIKE daladier en 38.

No systemD is no nazy. BUT we are at the same situation : let it go "to see what will happen" or let's think about what could that do and what could be done to avoid that.

misfortune comes not from those who do evil, but from those who let it happen.

in reply to Aladár Mézga

No, herve, that was you. Don't project your bullshit on others. It only shows your perception of yourself which you project onto others because you hate it. Probably a psychosis or behavioral. Keep it to yourself.

... and the person you were pissing yourself over Said the be leaving this shipheap an a thread. I'm out too... enjoy your blocks

in reply to Aladár Mézga

I had gotten over my fear of systemd until I saw this again, and I find @Aladár Mézga's comparisons compelling enough to seriously consider changing my daily driver. Fortunately it won't be a big major change, from MX-Linux to antiX. MX "has" systemd (presumably as a dependency) but "doesn't use it" (whatever that means), while antiX is completely and totally systemd-free yet still based on Debian Stable and has all the cool MX tools.
in reply to Aladár Mézga

Extrapolating from a system management tool to a 'world government' ? Wow!
in reply to Aladár Mézga

antonymIC - about 4 hours ago
Extrapolating from a system management tool to a ‘world government’ ? Wow!

Wow, indeed.

It's never been done before.


Photos of an NSA “upgrade” factory show Cisco router getting implant

in reply to Aladár Mézga

The same (cough) "guy" [antonymIC] just posted systemd support on all of the systemd threads ... even one from 11 months ago.

All just tonight.

Seems normal enough ...