Items tagged with: Windows
📣 Guess what? Linux faster than Windows increasingly | '25 Gaming benchmarks 🐧 🎮
Enjoy the show!
#Linux #gaming #Windows #benchmarks #project2025 #LinuxGaming
Setting up my gear and computer(s) for music production I’ve encountered some pops and crackles. Trying to find the cause for it the most likely candidate right now is the Nvidia drivers for my gfx card!! Apparently Nvidia has a bug in their drivers (which is talked about online) causing disturbance to the real-time audio drivers. Now I have to work out how to work around it. I really quite like using my large monitor connected to my laptop when making music but…if it all crackles and pops when listening to it that obviously makes it unusable…
#music #production #daw #windows #nvidia
If you are looking to move away from your Big Tech browser, maybe it is time to give Vivaldi a try?
A few things worth mentioning:
1. Workspaces and tab stacks.
2. Tab tiles.
3. Vivaldi Social, Mastodon server.
4. Encrypted sync.
5. Built in tracker and ad blocker.
6. No crypto built in.
7. No AI built in.
Vivaldi is made in Norway and Iceland and our servers are hosted in Iceland.
#Vivaldi #Browser #Windows #Macos #Linux #Android #iOS @Vivaldi
Vivaldi Browser | Powerful, Personal and Private web browser
It’s a web browser. But fun. It comes with a bunch of clever features built-in. It’s super flexible and does not track you. Get the Vivaldi browser for desktop, mobile, and your car!Vivaldi Technologies
Zunehmend Probleme mit #Windows11-Betriebssystem.--Umso gravierender, als der Support für #Windows bald eingestellt wird.
"Das Update zur Fehlerbehebung von Windows 11 macht alles noch schlimmer.
Jedes neue Update führt zu noch mehr Fehlern."…
cc @MichaelRoss
Xenia Synth Plugin by The Usual Suspects x86 x64 VSTI VSTI3 AU CLAP LV2 Windows MacOS Linux free…
#AU #CLAP #LV2 #vsti #VSTI3 #Analog #AU #CLAP #DAW #dsp56300 #Emulation #free #Hardware #Linux #LV2 #MacOS #other #Synth #Synthesizer #TheUsualSuspects #VirtualAnalog #VSTI #VSTI3 #Waldorf #Wavetable #Windows #x64 #x86
Grocy - ERP für deinen Kühlschrank
Grocy ist eine selbst gehostete Webanwendung zur Lebensmittel- und Haushaltsverwaltung. Open Source. Built with passion.Bernd Bestel
Grocy - ERP für deinen Kühlschrank
Grocy ist eine selbst gehostete Webanwendung zur Lebensmittel- und Haushaltsverwaltung. Open Source. Built with passion.Bernd Bestel
Six Sines - FM/PM/AM Synth Linux/Windows/Apple
baconpaul - Six Sines is a small synthesizer which explores audio rate inter-modulation of signals. Some folks would call it "an FM synth" but it's really a bit more PM/AM, and anyway that's kinda not the point.
Site -
Release Download -…
Manual -…
#Plugin #SurgeXT #CLAP #VST #Linux #Windows #Macos
GitHub - baconpaul/six-sines: That's the right number of sines, I think.
That's the right number of sines, I think. Contribute to baconpaul/six-sines development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
Grocy - ERP für deinen Kühlschrank
Grocy ist eine selbst gehostete Webanwendung zur Lebensmittel- und Haushaltsverwaltung. Open Source. Built with passion.Bernd Bestel
Plugdata v0.9.1 VST3 AU CLAP LV2 LiNUX WiN MAC
#AU #CLAP #LV2 #VST3 #AU #CLAP #Dark #DAW #Effects #Electro #Everyone #experience #free #FreeBSD #JUCE #Library #Life #Light #Linux #LV2 #MacOS #MIDI #Minimal #Mix #other #Patches #Plugdata #RaspberryPi #rock #Simple #Standalone #synthesis #VST3 #Wide #Windows
Bom Shanka Machines occularScope v1.4.3 x86 x64 vst vst3 au WiN Mac Linux
#AU #vst #VST3 #AppleSilicon #Arm #AU #Beat #BomShankaMachines #CLAP #Dark #DAW #delay #experimental #free #Gain #Host #Intel #Light #Linux #M1 #Machines #MacOS #Mono #oscilloscope #other #Stereo #Themes #VST #VST2 #VST3 #Windows #x64 #x86
7-Zip fixes bug that bypasses #Windows MoTW #security warnings, patch now
Tracked as CVE-2025-0411.
If a user downloads a crafted archive with the Mark of the Web, 7-zip doesn’t extend the MoTW to the extracted files. This can be exploited to execute arbitrary code.
Was fixed on 30 NOV 24. However, 7-zip doesn’t auto update, so users should double check their installed versions.
Lessons learned from setting up a Linux desktop VM on a Windows 11 Home host
VirtualBox is more functional than Hyper-V Manager but much slower. There are a lot of tricks for getting this right. If you turn off Secure Boot you might permanently lock yourself out of Windows.
#Computers #FOSS #UX #Debian #HyperV #Linux #VirtualBox #Windows…
Decent Samples Decent Sampler Plugin v1.12.6 x64 x86 VSTI VSTI3 AU AAX STANDALONE LiNUX WiN MAC
#AUv3 #IOS #Standalone #VSTIVSTI3AUAAX #AAX #AMP #AU #AUV3 #Decent #DecentSamples #free #Intel #IOS #Linux #M1 #MacOS #Network #Play #player #SamplePlayer #sampler #Samples #Standalone #Ubuntu #VSTI #VSTI3 #Windows #x64 #x86
DamRsn NeuralNote (Audio To MiDi) v1.1.0 VSTI3 AU STANDALONE LiNUX Windows MacOS
#AU #Standalone #VSTI3 #aiff #AU #DamRsn #DAW #Digital #Export #flac #free #GitHub #JUCE #Linux #MacOS #MIDI #mp3 #Mute #ogg #Piano #Pitch #Play #polyphonic #Recording #Simple #Standalone #Time #Update #Voice #VST3 #VSTI3 #wav #Windows