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#fediblock suggestion: (at)FinchHaven(at) for constant #replyguy behavior in #Threads hashtag


"I can follow and like my THREADS account from Mastodon, but I can't figure out how to follow my Mastodon account on the Threads side"

That's because you seeing your #Threads account on Mastodon is an illusion, a mirage

Open up your Threads account using a real web browser on a laptop or desktop so you can see what's happening

Look at the address bar

The URL will look as though your Threads account is homed on Mastodon, thus: / @zuck

See the top three pinned posts on my profile for more examples

But right now Threads is behind a one-way mirror from Mastodon / the Fediverse

cc @davemark

in reply to Job Bautista

yep. this dude has been doing this type of thing for months now....🤦‍♂️