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in reply to treefit

Before you ask, this is not standalone. For that someone would need to compile #deltachat_core to wasm and setup some WebSocket proxy because websites are not allowed to open raw TCP connections which are the basis of IMAP and SMTP.

But not impossible, as we could decide to make such a "WebSocket to IMAP/SMTP"-proxy part of the #chatmail project.

in reply to treefit

For now this "#deltachat_web" project is merely meant as proof that the deltachat desktop frontend/UI has no dependency on electron anymore.

With a few nice side-benefits:

It allows us developers to use other browsers dev tools to improve #accessibility for example and to bring back automated ui #testing.

Last but not least this serves as a stepping stone to make a #tauri version of #deltachat_desktop

Stay tuned for the #nlnet funded #delta_tauri project.

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)