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Taking today and tomorrow off from property hunting to do a little hiking and visiting some of my favorite spots. This is Sleeping Ute Mountain in the far SW corner of Colorado My campsite view for this evening. (Phone photo.)

#Camping #Mountain #Canyon #Desert

in reply to Ambivalena :verigold:

@ambivalena Thank you. It's always a great time being in canyon country! It's the property hunting that isn't much fun.
in reply to Ambivalena :verigold:

@ambivalena Yes, in Bluff, Utah, it is proving to be difficult. Not much for sale. It's a small town. And medical insurance is a big problem there as well. (After all, it's the USA where profit before people is the rule. Especially, in a conservative state like Utah.) About 30 miles to the east, in Cortez, Colorado, there's a lot more for sale and much better healthcare options. It's higher in elevation than Bluff, thus longer winters and more snow. So I'm debating what to do.
in reply to Bob Tregilus :tux:πŸ“·:copyleft:

That seems to be some difficult things to consider. Not an easy one. I hope you find out what is your best option in the long run.