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It's weird that #Trump's team refuses to provide the public w/ information about his #medical care in the wake of Saturday's shooting.

“4 days after a gunman’s attempt to assassinate …Trump at a Pennsylvania rally, the public is still in the dark over the extent of his injuries, what treatment the #Republican presidential nominee received in the hospital, & whether there may be any long-term effects on his health.

#transparency #BidenHarris2024

in reply to Nonilex

“#Trump’s campaign has refused to discuss his condition, release a #medical report or records, or make the doctors who treated him available, leaving information to dribble out from Trump, his friends & family.”

Conversely, when the WH announced Wed that #POTUS #Biden had Covid, his team issued a written stmnt noting his symptoms & self-isolation plans. + A message from Biden’s physician describing his condition in detail, including info about his respiratory rate, temperature & pulse oximetry.

in reply to Nonilex

A day later, the White House issued another letter from #Biden's physician, Dr. Kevin O'Connor, w/ updated information about the president's symptoms, condition & treatment plan, as well as assurances about additional updates.

#Transparency #KnowWhoYouAreElecting #BidenHarris2024

in reply to Nonilex

“Presidents & major-party candidates have long had to balance their right to doctor-patient confidentiality w/the public’s expectations that they demonstrate they are #healthy enough to #serve, particularly when questions arise about their #readiness. #Trump, for example, has long pressed President Joe #Biden to take a cognitive test as the Democrat faces doubts after his performance in last month’s debate.

#Transparency #BidenHarris2024

in reply to Nonilex

“'It’s an understatement to say that it’s bizarre that a presidential candidate has sustained an injury from an attempted #assassination & no medical report is issued to describe his evaluation & the extent of his injury,' Jonathan Reiner, a professor of medicine & surgery at The George Washington University, [posted on social media]…, on Thurs.

#POTUS #Transparency #Trump #BidenHarris2024