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Items tagged with: bidenharris2024

A new report revealed #Trump’s disturbing penchant for #executing his #political enemies. His response is somehow even worse.

Fmr Trump comms dir #AlyssaFarahGriffin revealed that Trump called for the #execution of a staffer on several occasions during his time in the WH—& the disturbing news (& Trump’s even more troubling reaction) is already fading from headlines.

#law #democracy #VoteBlue #BidenHarris2024

When Hitler rose to power democratically it took him about 3 months to dismantle democracy completely. There were no new elections for 17 years.

After previously having started an insurrection, Hitler came to power after state institutions and government failed to ban him from future elections.

We can't let Trump destroy our democratic institutions.

#NeverAgainTrump #TrumpMustLose2024 #GOP #VoteBlue #JoeBiden #BidenHarris2024 #SaveDemocracy

Presidents do not make policy and decisions in a vacuum. There is no way that any human, no matter how intelligent and well informed, can be expected to single handedly understand and act appropriately on today's complex issues.
Presidential advisors are of utmost importance. We have seen the crazies, criminals and low lifes surrounding trump. A vote for trump is a vote for Steve Bannon, Stephen Miller, Seb Gorka and all the rest.

'Georgia Is Our Laboratory': Inside Trump's Plan to Rig 2024

Team #Trump sees #Georgia as 'a road map' for putting Trump's heads-I-win-tails-you-lose philosophy of #elections into practice

The Peach State is unique—it's the sole battleground state in which the #Republican Party has total #control over the levers of #power: a trifecta in state #House, #Senate, & governorship

#ElectionLaw #ElectionInterference #law #democracy #BidenHarris2024

Eugene Robinson:

It is irresponsible to obsess over Pres #Biden’s tendency to mangle a couple of words in a speech while #Trump is out there sounding detached from reality. Biden, who is old, at least makes sense. Trump, who also is old, rants like someone you’d cross the street to avoid.

#Unfit #Demented #MalignantNarcissist #Deranged #BidenHarris2024

The #Biden admin will announce rules to block #MedicalDebt from being used to evaluate #borrowers’ fitness for #mortgages & other types of #loans.

…The WH has repeatedly focused on the issue of #medical #debt, saying it disproportionately harms low-income Americans & communities of color.

“This is going to be an enormous relief for so many people battling #bills when it comes to medical visits,” CPFB dir Rohit Chopra said….

#equity #economy #finance #BidenHarris2024

#Trump 2nd term #mandatory #military service

#ChrisMiller, Trump’s last #DefSec who led the #Pentagon during the chaotic closure of Trump’s tenure in Washington [& author of the #MillerMemo], is among a cluster of fmr admin ofcls & #GOP lawmakers who are proposing a #NationalServiceMandate & other measures as part of #Project2025, the #conservative #HeritageFoundation’s govt-wide game plan.

#conscription #draft #BidenHarris2024

Surprising #US #economy is powering better global outlook, #WorldBank says

The global economy is in better shape than it was at the start of the year, thanks largely to the performance of the #UnitedStates, the World Bank said in its latest forecast Tues. But the sunnier outlook could cloud over if major central banks — including the #FederalReserve — keep #InterestRates at elevated levels.

#bidenomics #BidenHarris2024

“We need every voter. I don't care about you. I just want your vote. I don't care."- #Trump, Las Vegas, Sunday, 9 June 2024.

“The press will take that & say, ‘he said a horrible thing.’”

Nah, just an honest thing, for once.

#Vote #VoteBlue #BidenHarris2024

“At the most basic level, Biden, while three years older, can discern friend from foe, reveres the military, understands the value of alliances, generally hires capable advisers, puts together complex legislative deals and exhibits inexhaustible empathy for others’ suffering. He complies with the legal process (e.g., sitting down with special counsel Robert K. Hur), follows Supreme Court decisions (and then explores alternatives, as he did on student debt) and engages in successful international diplomacy. He talks in depth about policy.

It’s reasonable to conclude that, with age, Biden has gained immense experience, formed relationships and absorbed data that helps guide his current decision-making. Should we care that he walks more stiffly than he did 10 years ago? (FDR served 12 years in a wheelchair.)”

For presidents, it’s not age but judgment that matters.


The #legal fight over the #2024election has begun

Trump's team is more focused so far on building a sprawling network of "#ElectionIntegrity" #lawyers & #PollWatchers than on rounding up organizers & door knockers to reach voters.

It's a sign that 5 months before Election Day, the legal battle is underway —& that Trump PLANS to cry "rigged" if he loses, as it did after the #2020election & his #felony #convictions.

#gaslighting #autocracy #democracy #BidenHarris2024


#Trump plans to claim sweeping #authority over #federal #spending

In a 2nd term, Trump will look at unilateral funding cuts for the #WHO & #green #energy initiatives.
He is vowing to wrest key spending powers from #Congress & to assert more control over the federal #budget than any president in #US #history.

#law #Constitution #SCOTUS #power #government #extortion #EconomicPolicy #MafiaState #authoritarianism #autocracy #tyranny #democracy #BidenHarris2024

More #Trump allies, including #MarkMeadows, plead not guilty in #Arizona

The fmr White House chief of staff — along w/ #MikeRoman, who worked on Trump’s 2020 campaign — pleaded not guilty to charges stemming from their alleged efforts to try to subvert Joe Biden’s win.

#law #democracy #TrumpCoupAttempt #insurrection #BidenHarris2024

#POTUS #Biden said Thurs he would not #pardon his son, if convicted.

Biden said “yes” when asked in an ABC interview if he would rule out pardoning Hunter Biden…. Biden also said yes when the interviewer asked if he would accept the trial’s outcome.

The president has said for months that he would not pardon his son.

“I’ve been very clear — the president is not going to pardon his son,” WH press sec Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters in Dec.

#law #BidenHarris2024

#Biden, who is the most experienced #ForeignPolicy President in a generation, believes that role is in #America’s interest. “When we strengthen our #alliances, we amplify our #power as well as our ability to disrupt #threats before they can reach our shores,” he said…. To judge the merit of Biden’s plan to sustain American world leadership, voters can look to his record: what he has accomplished, where he has fallen short, & how he intends to build on his work in a 2nd term.


#Biden’s admin has worked to prevent the #war in #Gaza from igniting a broader regional conflict. He brokered the 1st trilateral summit w/long-distrustful regional partners #SouthKorea & #Japan, & coaxed the #Philippines to move away from China’s orbit & accept 4 new #US military bases. He has rallied countries in #Europe & #Asia to curtail #China’s economic sway. “We have put together the strongest #alliance in the history of the world,” Biden says….
#ForeignPolicy #geopolitics #BidenHarris2024

#Biden leads the #UnitedStates as the American century is fading into an uncertain future, a changing world of #threats, opportunities, & #power shifts. At 81, he holds fast to a vision that has reigned since WWII, in which a rich & powerful America leads an #alliance of #democracies to safeguard the globe from #tyranny.

#BidenHarris2024 #NATO #geopolitics #democracy

#Biden calls #America’s democratic values the “grounding wire of our global power” & its #alliances “our greatest asset.” …#Trump, called for withdrawing American forces in #Europe & #Asia & has promised… to cut loose even our closest #allies if they don’t do as he tells them. …Trump sees all countries as unreliable, the relations between them #transactional. That sentiment has spread throughout a #GOP that once championed America’s values abroad…


Since Trump has all the billionaires, won’t you join with me in supporting the Biden Victory Fund via @actblue ?

PS: You'll have a chance to win a meeting with President Biden, President Obama, George Clooney, and Julia Roberts + to grab a photo...

#BidenHarris2024 #TrumpMustLose2024 #JoeBiden #NoRepublicansEverAgain

Union jobs provide economic and class advancement over generations. That's why billionaires and their Republican minions are so desperate to kill them.

#Unions #Labor #SupportLabor #TaxObsceneWealth #PayYourFairShare #JoeBiden #BidenHarris2024 #VoteBlue