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Via #RawStory

#Conservative #RickWilson warned Tuesday a #NormalcyBias in the #media could have fatal consequences for #AmericanDemocracy should former President #DonaldTrump regain the #WhiteHouse.

Wilson published to substack Tuesday a new essay called "The Bothsides Argument Will Kill Us All" condemning Trump for his "winks at the alt-reich," the #MAGA base who support a candidate frequently compared to a #dictator, & media reporting that presents them as "normal."

in reply to joe•iuculano :mastodon:

that’s a really unrealistic position, though.

Not only does the American government have plenty of protection built up around democracy, so it’s not even an option for there to be such a sensation, but to get there he has to build up these giant strawmen around supposedly decoding Trump’s rhetoric.

It’s really something how many reporters land on the idea that they are receiving secret messages from the president, which is insane, and how often we accept them on that level.