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Items tagged with: DonaldTrump

Wow! Look at all the support Trump is getting outside his New York election fraud criminal trial!

#SoMuchWinning #DonaldTrump #TrumpForLifeInPrison

If it’s what you say I love it!

#DonaldTrump #Espionage #Florida #NeverAgainTrump #TrumpForLifeInPrison

Trump's legal team just accidentally 'undercut' his previous claims in documents case

Morawiecki na konferencji nacjonalistów: „Liberałowie atakują pokój w Europie za pomocą migracji”

Budapeszt to miasto wolności, Unia Europejska jest jak Cesarstwo Rzymskie przed upadkiem. Bruksela jak starożytny Rzym choruje na biurokrację – mówił były premier Mateusz Morawiecki podczas wystąpienia na międzynarodowej konferencji narodowych konserwatystów.

#Nacjonalizm #CPACHungary #DonaldTrump #Świat #Wydarzenia #JackPosobiec #Konserwatyści #Węgry #CPAC

Vereinigte Staaten: Vereinigte Staaten US-Repräsentantenhaus beschließt Ukrainehilfen in Milliardenhöhe #US-Repräsentantenhaus #VereinigteStaaten #DonaldTrump #Ausland #Rußland #Ukraine

Via the #DailyBeast

#DonaldTrump’s #legal payroll is easily the largest and most diverse of any political figure in modern U.S. #history. But while most of the attorneys that #Trump’s various fundraising committees have paid over the years are a matter of public record, one of the top recipients still poses a mystery—with more than $8 million in legal costs going to an unknown firm, or firms, through what appears to be a corporate intermediary.

#MaryTrump can't help but laugh at the thought of her deplorable uncle being forced to listen to other people's frank thoughts about him - with no opportunity to respond! 😂 👉

It's almost as if #LarryDavid did some 'voodoo' to make #DonaldTrump actually go through the hilarious trial in the final episode of "Curb Your Enthusiasm"! #LifeImitatingArt

#Schadenfreude #TrumpTrial

Die Jury im Strafverfahren gegen den ehemaligen US-Präsidenten Donald Trump ist komplett. Die Auswahl hatte sich schwierig gestaltet: Eine Geschworene warf offenbar hin, weil sie sich nicht mehr sicher fühlte.#DonaldTrump #US-Präsidentschaftswahl2024 #JoeBiden #Justiz

Liz Truss on Fox News!

Featuring Nerine Skinner

#comedy #satire #funny #LizTruss #FoxNews #DonaldTrump

Just one day after Trump bragged that he’s “proudly the person responsible” for overturning Roe, the Arizona Supreme Court upheld an extreme abortion ban from 1864 with no exceptions for health, rape, or incest.

#NeverAgainTrump #NoRepublicansEverAgain #VoteBlueForWomen #DonaldTrump #Abortion #1864

Via #RawStory

#Conservative #RickWilson warned Tuesday a #NormalcyBias in the #media could have fatal consequences for #AmericanDemocracy should former President #DonaldTrump regain the #WhiteHouse.

Wilson published to substack Tuesday a new essay called "The Bothsides Argument Will Kill Us All" condemning Trump for his "winks at the alt-reich," the #MAGA base who support a candidate frequently compared to a #dictator, & media reporting that presents them as "normal."

Every breath Trump takes contains a crime!
#DonaldTrump #BondGate #Grifter

Trump saved millions by keeping court in dark about billionaire's bond offer