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Items tagged with: ClimateBreakdown

This is the forecast for New Delhi

Not a night below 30c.

The body cannot cool off and "reset".

Many people, even young healthy people will not survive this week because of #ClimateBreakdown

#ClimateCrisis is hitting us already. Not sometime in 2030 or 2040 when we have fresh targets to not hit.

This is genocide.

Indian authorities won't be able to keep an accurate tally of the dead. It is a crisis that #FossilFuel companies gave us. we need to sue them out of existence.

Another example of #ClimateBreakdown affecting rich, white nations

It really isn't just poor black/brown/asians that are affected so drill baby drill.

The US is getting hit with tornados. If we are lucky Mar-a-lago will soon no longer exist.

We can either neuter the oil companies or let them give Trump $1B and keep killing us all.

Alarm as German climate activists charged with ‘forming a criminal organisation’

“This is the first time in German history that a climate protest group that uses measures of peaceful civil disobedience is charged as a criminal organisation."

“Paragraph 129 of the German criminal code is to combat organised crime. Its application to non-violent protest criminalises civic engagement and thus restricts democratic freedoms."

“This charge is especially dangerous for democracy and the right to peaceful protest because the charge turns the constitutional right of protest, freedom of speech and political assembly into a crime simply because some laws were broken in course of civil disobedient protest."
#ClimateBreakdown #laws #rights #activism #protests #CivilDisobedience #CivilSociety #EU #FossilFuels

Planting trees is something we’re told we need to do more of…particularly in cities. As our urban areas get increasingly hot with every passing year, we need trees to provide shade as well as absorb emissions. But will our native trees be able to survive in these increasingly arid conditions?

We need to start planting the trees that will tolerate our changing climate.
