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Items tagged with: Obsidian

I don’t normally fanboy software but I can‘t imagine doing my tech writing teaching without #obsidian ! It helps me so much when it comes to staying organized! #obsidianmd

10 More Random #Obsidian Tips:

How do I sync Obsidian notes with my Android device

#Android #DAVx5 #FolderSync #Logseq #Nextcloud #Obsidian #Syncthing #WebDAV

TIL: #Obsidian has a sandbox vault to play around and experiment with 👀

(Help -> Open Sandbox Vault)

New Obsidian Plugins Review - 60! This week, we're covering 10 game-changing plugins: Weekly Review Linker, Future Dates, Fuzzy Note Creator, Vault Explorer, Cursor Jump, Timesheet, List Outline Helper, Query JSON, Voicenotes Sync, and Update Time. Read the full review now!
#obsidian #ObsidianMD #notetaking #secondbrain #pkm @obsidian

sometimes I forget to use the tab stack view in #obsidian (inspired by Andy Matuschak) but it's such a delight to explore linked text this way

If you're a student or faculty, there's a 40% discount for #Obsidian Sync — $29 per year instead of $48.

This isn't new but I am realizing that many students don't know about it. You can apply for it in your account settings.

and in case you were moving from #google keep to #obsidian, here's the simple way to do that without using your google API key

I've been usin #Joplin for quite a while now, love it! I've also recently given #Obsidian #Logseq and #Notion a try, but for all the great things each one offers, none work as well for what I want.