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Items tagged with: OtD

48 years ago today
The Runaways is the debut album by the American all-female rock band the Runaways, released on this day in 1976, includes the single 'Cherry Bomb'

#punk #punks #punkrock #womenofpunk #therunaways #history #punkrockhistory #otd

#OtD 31 May 1927 Donald Trump's father, Fred Trump, was arrested at a KKK rally in Queens, NYC. Despite Donald Trump denying it happened, multiple newspapers reported it, giving Fred Trump's address and reporting all those arrested as wearing KKK robes

#OtD 31 May 1921 the Tulsa racist massacre took place leaving 300 dead and 10k homeless after a false allegation of a Black boy attacking a white woman was used to stir up white supremacist vigilantism. Racists destroyed a whole area dubbed Black Wall St.

The White Falcon: a ballad sung during Anne Boleyn's coronation procession through the City of London on 31 May 1533.

#anneboleyn #tudor #tudors #otd #onthisday #onthisdayinhistory #histodon #histodons #earlymusic #earlymodern #ballad #song @histodons @histodon @earlymusic @earlymodern

#OTD in 1919.

Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity is tested by Arthur Eddington and Andrew Claude de la Cherois Crommelin.

The Eddington experiment was organised by the astronomers Frank Watson Dyson & Arthur Stanley Eddington in 1919. The observations were of the total solar eclipse of 29 May 1919 and were carried out by two expeditions which aim was to measure the gravitational deflection of starlight passing near the Sun.

#science #relativity #astronomy

Astronomer Frank Drake was born #OTD in 1930.

Can we productively talk about how many alien civilizations throughout the Milky Way might be actively broadcasting or receiving messages? How would we estimate that?

N ≈ R×fp×ne×fl×fi×fc×L

R = ⭐️ formation rate
fp = fraction of ⭐️ with 🌎
ne = 🌎 per ⭐️ on avg that could support life
fl = fraction with life
fi = fraction of life becoming intelligent
fc = fraction that 📡 into 🌌
L = how long they broadcast


#OTD in 1936.

Alan Turing submits On Computable Numbers for publication.

His proof shows that there can be no mechanical, general method (i.e., a Turing machine or a program in some equivalent model of computation) to determine whether algorithms halt. However, each individual instance of the halting problem has a definitive answer, which may or may not be practically computable.

#mathematics #computerscience #lgbtq

#OtD 28 May 2013 during Turkish Occupy Gezi park protests, the "woman in red" was pepper sprayed. The photo became one of the iconic images of the movement and police violence in response to it

Happy Birthday to Susan Janet Ballion aka Siouxsie Sioux, born on this day in 1957, London, England

#punk #punks #punkrock #womenofpunk #siouxsiesioux #history #punkrockhistory #otd

English amateur astronomer Richard Christopher Carrington was born #OTD in 1826.

In 1859 his astronomical observations demonstrated the existence of solar flares as well as suggesting their electrical influence upon the Earth & its aurorae; and whose 1863 records of sunspot observations revealed the differential rotation of the Sun. His publications include Results of Astronomical Observations Made at the Observatory of the University, Durham; & Observations of the Spots on the Sun.


#OtD 25 May 1895 libertarian socialist author, Oscar Wilde, was imprisoned for two years' hard labour for having sex with men. Detention would cause him health problems which contributed to his untimely death

#OtD 24 May 1910 German shipyard worker August Landmesser was born. He is thought to be this worker defiantly refusing to perform a Nazi salute. He was later conscripted to a penal battalion then killed, while his Jewish partner was murdered in a camp

#OTD in 1930.

Amy Johnson lands in Darwin, Northern Territory, becoming the first woman to fly solo from England to Australia (she left on May 5 for the 11,000 mile flight).

She flew in the Second World War as a part of the Air Transport Auxiliary and disappeared during a ferry flight. The cause of her death has been a subject of discussion over many years.

#aviator #womanengineer

#OtD 23 May 1988 four lesbians burst into a BBC news studio during a live broadcast and called out: "Stop Section 28!" The protest was against the new anti-gay law, Section 28, that was about to go into effect at midnight.

#OnThisDay, 23 May 1907, 19 women take their seats in the Finnish Parliament. They are the first women Parliamentarians in the world.

#WomenInHistory #OTD #History #WomensHistory #VotesForWomen #EuropeanHistory

#OtD 22 May 1920 antisemitic hoax, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, was printed by Henry Ford in the Dearborn Independent and sold at all Ford outlets. He was later given Nazi Germany's highest award by Hitler

British writer and physician Arthur Conan Doyle was born #OTD in 1859.

Doyle was a prolific writer; other than Holmes stories, his works include fantasy and science fiction stories about Professor Challenger, and humorous stories about the Napoleonic soldier Brigadier Gerard, as well as plays, romances, poetry, non-fiction, and historical novels.

Books by Arthur Conan Doyle at PG:

#books #literature

“Have ye come far?”
“Only from America.”

#OnThisDay, 21 May 1932, Amelia Earhart became the first woman - and only the second person - to fly solo and without stops across the Atlantic.

She lands unexpectedly in Ireland. There’s some wonderful images of her here:

Watch newsreel of her taking off here:

#WomenInHistory #OTD #History #WomensHistory #AviationHistory @histodons #Histodons

#OtD 19 May 1925 El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, aka Malcolm X, was born in Omaha, Nebraska. He became one of the most influential advocates of self-defence for Black people as well as one of the foremost critics of America's institutional racism

"There is an ideal standard somewhere and only that matters and I cannot find it. Hence the aimlessness."
The Letters of T.E. Lawrence

British archaeologist, army officer, diplomat, and writer T. E. Lawrence died #OTD in 1935.

He is famously known as "Lawrence of Arabia" due to his extraordinary role in the Arab Revolt against the Ottoman Empire during World War I.

T. E. Lawrence as a translator at PG:

#books #literature

English self-taught mathematician and physicist Oliver Heaviside was born #OTD in 1850.

He invented a new technique for solving differential equations, independently developed vector calculus, and rewrote Maxwell's equations in the form commonly used today. He significantly shaped the way Maxwell's equations are understood and applied in the decades following Maxwell's death. His practical experience in telegraphy provided a foundation for his later theoretical work.

#books #science #physics

#OtD 18 May 2020 police killed 14-year-old Black Brazilian, João Pedro Matos Pinto, in Rio. They then took his body 25 miles away and claimed he was killed in a battle with gangs. People protested declaring “Vidas negras importam!” (“Black lives matter!”)

British mathematician, logician, philosopher, & public intellectual Bertrand Russell was born #OTD in 1872.

One of Russell's most significant achievements is the co-authorship of "Principia Mathematica" (1910-1913) with Alfred North Whitehead. His works, such as "The Problems of Philosophy" (1912) & "Our Knowledge of the External World" (1914), explored issues related to knowledge, perception, & the scientific method.

Books by Bertrand Russell at PG:

#books #literature

#OTD in 1902.

Greek archaeologist Valerios Stais discovers the Antikythera mechanism, an ancient mechanical analog computer.

The mechanism is composed of at least 30 bronze gears housed in a wooden frame. It features dials, pointers, and inscriptions that correspond to various astronomical cycles. The front dial is believed to show the zodiac and the solar and lunar calendars, while the back dials include the Metonic, Saros & Callippic cycles.

#astronomy #archeology

French composer and pianist Erik Satie was born #OTD in 1866.

In the 1880s he began composing works, mostly for solo piano, such as his Gymnopédies and Gnossiennes. He is known for his unconventional and innovative approach to music. He is often considered a precursor to movements such as minimalism, surrealism, and the avant-garde. Satie's work was influential to many 20th-century composers, including Claude Debussy and Maurice Ravel.

#art #music

#OtD 16 May is European Romani Resistance Day, commemorating the Roma people who fought fascism during WW2, like the 'Lions of Breda Solini', a partisan battalion in Italy made up entirely of Sinti participants who had escaped from a concentration camp

"If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain;
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain."
Life, p. 6 - Collected Poems (1993)

American lyric poet Emily Dickinson died #OTD in 1888. Although she wrote 1789 poems, only a few of them were published in her lifetime, all anonymously, and some perhaps without her knowledge.

Emily Dickinson at PG:

#books #literature #poetry

#OtD 14 May 1938 the England football team gave a Nazi salute before a match in Berlin. They had been ordered to do so by the govt which had made a pact with Hitler when much of the ruling class supported fascism

#OnThisDay, 14 May 1943, Vera Leigh returns to France to work as a courier for the British Special Operations Executive.

A fashion designer, Leigh had fled France in 1942 after running escape lines for Allied airmen.

After her return, Leigh carried documents and equipment such as guns and explosives around her network's area. Arrested by the Gestapo in 1944, she was executed at Natzweiler-Struthof concentration camp.

#WomenInHistory #OTD #History #WomensHistory #WorldWar2 #Histodons

Thread: #OtD 13 May 1985 Philadelphia police attacked the home of Black liberation and environmental group MOVE, then dropped a bomb on it, killing 5 adults and 6 children, destroying 61 homes in the predominantly Black neighbourhood, and making 250 people homeless.

#OtD 12 May 1971 21 NYC Black Panthers were acquitted on charges of conspiring to bomb buildings after it was shown that undercover police had infiltrated the group and planned the violence, then framed the Panther 21. Learn more in this book:

English social reformer, statistician and the founder of modern nursing Florence Nightingale was born #OTD in 1820.

Nightingale became famous for her work as a nurse during the Crimean War (1853–1856). Beyond her work in the Crimean War, Nightingale was a prolific writer and statistician. She used statistical methods to analyze and present data on healthcare and public health, making significant contributions to the field of medical statistics.

#books #statistics

#OtD 11 May 1894 the Pullman railroad strike began in Chicago after the firing of 3 workers. The biggest strike in US history to date, it was only eventually broken by federal government troops and the killing of at least 24 strikers

American physicist Richard Feynman was born #OTD in 1918.

He developed the Feynman diagrams, a pictorial representation of the mathematical expressions governing the behavior of subatomic particles, which provided a powerful tool for calculating complex interactions among particles. He received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1965 jointly with Julian Schwinger and Shin'ichirō Tomonaga for their fundamental contributions to the development of quantum electrodynamics (QED).

#books #physics

#OtD 10 May 1933 German Nazis held their first book-burning. In Berlin they burned the library of the Sexology Institute, founded by Magnus Hirschfeld, which supported LGBT+ rights. Joseph Goebbels declared: "No to decadence and moral corruption!" More:

#OtD 10 May 1857 a rebellion against the British East India Company began in India. Indian troops mutinied, sparking other mutinies and civilian uprisings. It was ultimately unsuccessful but forced the company to dissolve. More on resistance to empire:

"Women are the equals of men before the law, and are equal in all their rights."

#OnThisDay, 10 May 1872, Victoria Woodhull was nominated to run for US president by the Equal Rights Party. Her nomination was ratified on June 6, 1872, making her the first woman candidate.

Woodhall had co-founded, with her sister, both a Wall Street brokerage and a newspaper. She was also an anti-abortionist and eugenics supporter.

#WomenInHistory #Histodons #VotesForWomen #AmericanHistory #OTD

Japanese ukiyo-e artist of the Edo period, active as a painter and printmaker Hokusai died #OTD in 1849.

The Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji are noteworthy not only for their beauty and technical prowess but also for the cultural significance of Mount Fuji in Japan. Hokusai's innovative use of the then-new Prussian blue pigment helped to popularize his prints during his lifetime and influenced not only Japanese art but also Western artists like Vincent van Gogh and Claude Monet.

#art #painting

“I feel that if I have to answer for the deeds done in my body just as much as a man, I have a right to have as much as a man.”

#OnThisDay, 9 May 1867, Sojourner Truth addresses the American Equal Rights Association, arguing for equal rights for Black women.

Read a brief history of Truth’s life:

#WomenInHistory #OTD #History #WomensHistory #EqualRights #BlackAmericanHistory #AmericanHistory #Histodons