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Items tagged with: rus

#RUS #RUSpol #WarInUkraine #Russia

*Ethnic Germans in Russia as Cannon Fodder*


...quite some more Russian-speakers of this category.

Moreover, and quite apart, of the about 4 million Russian-speaking people in Germany, 2.5 mn are of German descent (#Russlanddeutsche) who emigrated to Germany, being eligible for citizenship. 2)

I would call this a powder keg. And #Putler seems to have found a way to ignite it.




#RUS #RUSpol #WarInUkraine #Russia

*Ethnic Germans in Russia as Cannon Fodder*


...This will most likely sow dissension and further devide the German population.

What is the scale of the problem?

At least 280,000 Russians living in Germany were eligible to vote in the fake Russian Presidential Election this year. 1) Most most likely voted in his favor. Most likely, if married, their kids weren't of German-descent, so there are...


#RUS #Politik #Ukrainekrieg #Russland

*Putin nutzt Rekrutenmangel zu weiteren ethnischen Säuberungen in Russland: rd. 400.000 Deutschstämmige sollen Kannonenfutter werden)*

via #TheTelegraph (UK):

Putin nimmt deutschsprachige Menschen in Russland auf der Suche nach Kanonenfutter ins Visier
Eine Propagandakampagne drängt die ethnische Minderheit, die etwa 400.000 Menschen zählt, sich der Armee anzuschließen und gegen die Ukraine zu kämpfen..."
