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Items tagged with: Chile

Villarrica volcano during the night, as seen from Pucon, Chile. REUTERS/Cristobal Saavedra Escobar


Up Close With the Completed 3.2-Gigapixel #LSST #Camera

Engineers at the #SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory have completed work on the Legacy Survey of #Space and Time camera. The device is the world's largest digital camera and will be the centerpiece of a 10-year mission to map the night sky from the Vera C. Rubin #Observatory in #Chile.

A few hours ago I discovered that all my school grades, from age 10 to 18, are available on the website of the Chilean Ministry of Education. Anyone can download them, knowing my rut and year, and a captha (so secure) in the computer version (which is not in the mobile). This is the level of privacy protection in Chile, unacceptable and worrisome.

PS: The RUT has been leaked so many times it is pathetic now


#privacy #Chile #dataprotection