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Items tagged with: BlueWave24


#Elections2024 #BlueWave24

......America, the Thirty Years War, JESUS would never have condoned any of that.

So, yes, the heathen #EmperorConstantine and dubious convert at that was indeed the first #Christofascist in history.

So, when Roman imperialism devoured #Christianity, these are the origin's of 19th century #Christofascism.

It is nothing new, but has been a cancer on human society since 312 A.D, when #Constantine...

#Elections2024 #BlueWave24

...your personal knowledge?

#EmperorConstantin as the 1st #Christofascist in #history, wow, that really gave me pause! 👍

But, yes, when the #religion of the oppressed became the state religion, it can be argued that it Christ's thinking was perverted:

"ἐν τούτῳ νίκα", "In hoc signo vinces," "In this [sign thou shalt] conquer", the #Crusades in the #HolyLand" and against the Slavs, the #Conquista of Latin,...

#Elections2024 #BlueWave24

💯 %

I don't think #Christofascists would listen to him more than a couple of minutes.
However, having him talk to people who are religious and confused or torn, maybe finding themselves in an internal "#SwingState," he really could make a difference. 🤗

Strategically speaking, #Texas, as part of the #BibleBelt, was a shrewd choice. That should continue--with bodyguards.

What are your thoughts,...